Code | Display | Definition |
SpecificCharacterSet | Specific Character Set | (0008,0005) Specific Character Set |
LanguageCodeSequence | Language Code Sequence | (0008,0006) Language Code Sequence |
ImageType | Image Type | (0008,0008) Image Type |
InstanceCreationDate | Instance Creation Date | (0008,0012) Instance Creation Date |
InstanceCreationTime | Instance Creation Time | (0008,0013) Instance Creation Time |
InstanceCreatorUID | Instance Creator UID | (0008,0014) Instance Creator UID |
InstanceCoercionDateTime | Instance Coercion DateTime | (0008,0015) Instance Coercion DateTime |
SOPClassUID | SOP Class UID | (0008,0016) SOP Class UID |
AcquisitionUID | Acquisition UID | (0008,0017) Acquisition UID |
SOPInstanceUID | SOP Instance UID | (0008,0018) SOP Instance UID |
PyramidUID | Pyramid UID | (0008,0019) Pyramid UID |
RelatedGeneralSOPClassUID | Related General SOP Class UID | (0008,001A) Related General SOP Class UID |
OriginalSpecializedSOPClassUID | Original Specialized SOP Class UID | (0008,001B) Original Specialized SOP Class UID |
SyntheticData | Synthetic Data | (0008,001C) Synthetic Data |
StudyDate | Study Date | (0008,0020) Study Date |
SeriesDate | Series Date | (0008,0021) Series Date |
AcquisitionDate | Acquisition Date | (0008,0022) Acquisition Date |
ContentDate | Content Date | (0008,0023) Content Date |
AcquisitionDateTime | Acquisition DateTime | (0008,002A) Acquisition DateTime |
StudyTime | Study Time | (0008,0030) Study Time |
SeriesTime | Series Time | (0008,0031) Series Time |
AcquisitionTime | Acquisition Time | (0008,0032) Acquisition Time |
ContentTime | Content Time | (0008,0033) Content Time |
AccessionNumber | Accession Number | (0008,0050) Accession Number |
IssuerOfAccessionNumberSequence | Issuer of Accession Number Sequence | (0008,0051) Issuer of Accession Number Sequence |
QueryRetrieveLevel | Query/Retrieve Level | (0008,0052) Query/Retrieve Level |
QueryRetrieveView | Query/Retrieve View | (0008,0053) Query/Retrieve View |
RetrieveAETitle | Retrieve AE Title | (0008,0054) Retrieve AE Title |
StationAETitle | Station AE Title | (0008,0055) Station AE Title |
InstanceAvailability | Instance Availability | (0008,0056) Instance Availability |
FailedSOPInstanceUIDList | Failed SOP Instance UID List | (0008,0058) Failed SOP Instance UID List |
Modality | Modality | (0008,0060) Modality |
ModalitiesInStudy | Modalities in Study | (0008,0061) Modalities in Study |
SOPClassesInStudy | SOP Classes in Study | (0008,0062) SOP Classes in Study |
AnatomicRegionsInStudyCodeSequence | Anatomic Regions in Study Code Sequence | (0008,0063) Anatomic Regions in Study Code Sequence |
ConversionType | Conversion Type | (0008,0064) Conversion Type |
PresentationIntentType | Presentation Intent Type | (0008,0068) Presentation Intent Type |
Manufacturer | Manufacturer | (0008,0070) Manufacturer |
InstitutionName | Institution Name | (0008,0080) Institution Name |
InstitutionAddress | Institution Address | (0008,0081) Institution Address |
InstitutionCodeSequence | Institution Code Sequence | (0008,0082) Institution Code Sequence |
ReferringPhysicianName | Referring Physician's Name | (0008,0090) Referring Physician's Name |
ReferringPhysicianAddress | Referring Physician's Address | (0008,0092) Referring Physician's Address |
ReferringPhysicianTelephoneNumbers | Referring Physician's Telephone Numbers | (0008,0094) Referring Physician's Telephone Numbers |
ReferringPhysicianIdentificationSequence | Referring Physician Identification Sequence | (0008,0096) Referring Physician Identification Sequence |
ConsultingPhysicianName | Consulting Physician's Name | (0008,009C) Consulting Physician's Name |
ConsultingPhysicianIdentificationSequence | Consulting Physician Identification Sequence | (0008,009D) Consulting Physician Identification Sequence |
CodeValue | Code Value | (0008,0100) Code Value |
CodingSchemeDesignator | Coding Scheme Designator | (0008,0102) Coding Scheme Designator |
CodingSchemeVersion | Coding Scheme Version | (0008,0103) Coding Scheme Version |
CodeMeaning | Code Meaning | (0008,0104) Code Meaning |
MappingResource | Mapping Resource | (0008,0105) Mapping Resource |
ContextGroupVersion | Context Group Version | (0008,0106) Context Group Version |
ContextGroupLocalVersion | Context Group Local Version | (0008,0107) Context Group Local Version |
CodingSchemeResourcesSequence | Coding Scheme Resources Sequence | (0008,0109) Coding Scheme Resources Sequence |
CodingSchemeURLType | Coding Scheme URL Type | (0008,010A) Coding Scheme URL Type |
ContextGroupExtensionFlag | Context Group Extension Flag | (0008,010B) Context Group Extension Flag |
CodingSchemeUID | Coding Scheme UID | (0008,010C) Coding Scheme UID |
ContextGroupExtensionCreatorUID | Context Group Extension Creator UID | (0008,010D) Context Group Extension Creator UID |
CodingSchemeURL | Coding Scheme URL | (0008,010E) Coding Scheme URL |
ContextIdentifier | Context Identifier | (0008,010F) Context Identifier |
CodingSchemeIdentificationSequence | Coding Scheme Identification Sequence | (0008,0110) Coding Scheme Identification Sequence |
CodingSchemeRegistry | Coding Scheme Registry | (0008,0112) Coding Scheme Registry |
CodingSchemeExternalID | Coding Scheme External ID | (0008,0114) Coding Scheme External ID |
CodingSchemeName | Coding Scheme Name | (0008,0115) Coding Scheme Name |
CodingSchemeResponsibleOrganization | Coding Scheme Responsible Organization | (0008,0116) Coding Scheme Responsible Organization |
ContextUID | Context UID | (0008,0117) Context UID |
MappingResourceUID | Mapping Resource UID | (0008,0118) Mapping Resource UID |
LongCodeValue | Long Code Value | (0008,0119) Long Code Value |
URNCodeValue | URN Code Value | (0008,0120) URN Code Value |
EquivalentCodeSequence | Equivalent Code Sequence | (0008,0121) Equivalent Code Sequence |
MappingResourceName | Mapping Resource Name | (0008,0122) Mapping Resource Name |
ContextGroupIdentificationSequence | Context Group Identification Sequence | (0008,0123) Context Group Identification Sequence |
MappingResourceIdentificationSequence | Mapping Resource Identification Sequence | (0008,0124) Mapping Resource Identification Sequence |
TimezoneOffsetFromUTC | Timezone Offset From UTC | (0008,0201) Timezone Offset From UTC |
ResponsibleGroupCodeSequence | Responsible Group Code Sequence | (0008,0220) Responsible Group Code Sequence |
EquipmentModality | Equipment Modality | (0008,0221) Equipment Modality |
ManufacturerRelatedModelGroup | Manufacturer's Related Model Group | (0008,0222) Manufacturer's Related Model Group |
PrivateDataElementCharacteristicsSequence | Private Data Element Characteristics Sequence | (0008,0300) Private Data Element Characteristics Sequence |
PrivateGroupReference | Private Group Reference | (0008,0301) Private Group Reference |
PrivateCreatorReference | Private Creator Reference | (0008,0302) Private Creator Reference |
BlockIdentifyingInformationStatus | Block Identifying Information Status | (0008,0303) Block Identifying Information Status |
NonidentifyingPrivateElements | Nonidentifying Private Elements | (0008,0304) Nonidentifying Private Elements |
IdentifyingPrivateElements | Identifying Private Elements | (0008,0306) Identifying Private Elements |
DeidentificationActionSequence | Deidentification Action Sequence | (0008,0305) Deidentification Action Sequence |
DeidentificationAction | Deidentification Action | (0008,0307) Deidentification Action |
PrivateDataElement | Private Data Element | (0008,0308) Private Data Element |
PrivateDataElementValueMultiplicity | Private Data Element Value Multiplicity | (0008,0309) Private Data Element Value Multiplicity |
PrivateDataElementValueRepresentation | Private Data Element Value Representation | (0008,030A) Private Data Element Value Representation |
PrivateDataElementNumberOfItems | Private Data Element Number of Items | (0008,030B) Private Data Element Number of Items |
PrivateDataElementName | Private Data Element Name | (0008,030C) Private Data Element Name |
PrivateDataElementKeyword | Private Data Element Keyword | (0008,030D) Private Data Element Keyword |
PrivateDataElementDescription | Private Data Element Description | (0008,030E) Private Data Element Description |
PrivateDataElementEncoding | Private Data Element Encoding | (0008,030F) Private Data Element Encoding |
PrivateDataElementDefinitionSequence | Private Data Element Definition Sequence | (0008,0310) Private Data Element Definition Sequence |
ScopeOfInventorySequence | Scope of Inventory Sequence | (0008,0400) Scope of Inventory Sequence |
InventoryPurpose | Inventory Purpose | (0008,0401) Inventory Purpose |
InventoryInstanceDescription | Inventory Instance Description | (0008,0402) Inventory Instance Description |
InventoryLevel | Inventory Level | (0008,0403) Inventory Level |
ItemInventoryDateTime | Item Inventory DateTime | (0008,0404) Item Inventory DateTime |
RemovedFromOperationalUse | Removed from Operational Use | (0008,0405) Removed from Operational Use |
ReasonForRemovalCodeSequence | Reason for Removal Code Sequence | (0008,0406) Reason for Removal Code Sequence |
StoredInstanceBaseURI | Stored Instance Base URI | (0008,0407) Stored Instance Base URI |
FolderAccessURI | Folder Access URI | (0008,0408) Folder Access URI |
FileAccessURI | File Access URI | (0008,0409) File Access URI |
ContainerFileType | Container File Type | (0008,040A) Container File Type |
FilenameInContainer | Filename in Container | (0008,040B) Filename in Container |
FileOffsetInContainer | File Offset in Container | (0008,040C) File Offset in Container |
FileLengthInContainer | File Length in Container | (0008,040D) File Length in Container |
StoredInstanceTransferSyntaxUID | Stored Instance Transfer Syntax UID | (0008,040E) Stored Instance Transfer Syntax UID |
ExtendedMatchingMechanisms | Extended Matching Mechanisms | (0008,040F) Extended Matching Mechanisms |
RangeMatchingSequence | Range Matching Sequence | (0008,0410) Range Matching Sequence |
ListOfUIDMatchingSequence | List of UID Matching Sequence | (0008,0411) List of UID Matching Sequence |
EmptyValueMatchingSequence | Empty Value Matching Sequence | (0008,0412) Empty Value Matching Sequence |
GeneralMatchingSequence | General Matching Sequence | (0008,0413) General Matching Sequence |
RequestedStatusInterval | Requested Status Interval | (0008,0414) Requested Status Interval |
RetainInstances | Retain Instances | (0008,0415) Retain Instances |
ExpirationDateTime | Expiration DateTime | (0008,0416) Expiration DateTime |
TransactionStatus | Transaction Status | (0008,0417) Transaction Status |
TransactionStatusComment | Transaction Status Comment | (0008,0418) Transaction Status Comment |
FileSetAccessSequence | File Set Access Sequence | (0008,0419) File Set Access Sequence |
FileAccessSequence | File Access Sequence | (0008,041A) File Access Sequence |
RecordKey | Record Key | (0008,041B) Record Key |
PriorRecordKey | Prior Record Key | (0008,041C) Prior Record Key |
MetadataSequence | Metadata Sequence | (0008,041D) Metadata Sequence |
UpdatedMetadataSequence | Updated Metadata Sequence | (0008,041E) Updated Metadata Sequence |
StudyUpdateDateTime | Study Update DateTime | (0008,041F) Study Update DateTime |
InventoryAccessEndPointsSequence | Inventory Access End Points Sequence | (0008,0420) Inventory Access End Points Sequence |
StudyAccessEndPointsSequence | Study Access End Points Sequence | (0008,0421) Study Access End Points Sequence |
IncorporatedInventoryInstanceSequence | Incorporated Inventory Instance Sequence | (0008,0422) Incorporated Inventory Instance Sequence |
InventoriedStudiesSequence | Inventoried Studies Sequence | (0008,0423) Inventoried Studies Sequence |
InventoriedSeriesSequence | Inventoried Series Sequence | (0008,0424) Inventoried Series Sequence |
InventoriedInstancesSequence | Inventoried Instances Sequence | (0008,0425) Inventoried Instances Sequence |
InventoryCompletionStatus | Inventory Completion Status | (0008,0426) Inventory Completion Status |
NumberOfStudyRecordsInInstance | Number of Study Records in Instance | (0008,0427) Number of Study Records in Instance |
TotalNumberOfStudyRecords | Total Number of Study Records | (0008,0428) Total Number of Study Records |
MaximumNumberOfRecords | Maximum Number of Records | (0008,0429) Maximum Number of Records |
StationName | Station Name | (0008,1010) Station Name |
StudyDescription | Study Description | (0008,1030) Study Description |
ProcedureCodeSequence | Procedure Code Sequence | (0008,1032) Procedure Code Sequence |
SeriesDescription | Series Description | (0008,103E) Series Description |
SeriesDescriptionCodeSequence | Series Description Code Sequence | (0008,103F) Series Description Code Sequence |
InstitutionalDepartmentName | Institutional Department Name | (0008,1040) Institutional Department Name |
InstitutionalDepartmentTypeCodeSequence | Institutional Department Type Code Sequence | (0008,1041) Institutional Department Type Code Sequence |
PhysiciansOfRecord | Physician(s) of Record | (0008,1048) Physician(s) of Record |
PhysiciansOfRecordIdentificationSequence | Physician(s) of Record Identification Sequence | (0008,1049) Physician(s) of Record Identification Sequence |
PerformingPhysicianName | Performing Physician's Name | (0008,1050) Performing Physician's Name |
PerformingPhysicianIdentificationSequence | Performing Physician Identification Sequence | (0008,1052) Performing Physician Identification Sequence |
NameOfPhysiciansReadingStudy | Name of Physician(s) Reading Study | (0008,1060) Name of Physician(s) Reading Study |
PhysiciansReadingStudyIdentificationSequence | Physician(s) Reading Study Identification Sequence | (0008,1062) Physician(s) Reading Study Identification Sequence |
OperatorsName | Operators' Name | (0008,1070) Operators' Name |
OperatorIdentificationSequence | Operator Identification Sequence | (0008,1072) Operator Identification Sequence |
AdmittingDiagnosesDescription | Admitting Diagnoses Description | (0008,1080) Admitting Diagnoses Description |
AdmittingDiagnosesCodeSequence | Admitting Diagnoses Code Sequence | (0008,1084) Admitting Diagnoses Code Sequence |
PyramidDescription | Pyramid Description | (0008,1088) Pyramid Description |
ManufacturerModelName | Manufacturer's Model Name | (0008,1090) Manufacturer's Model Name |
ReferencedStudySequence | Referenced Study Sequence | (0008,1110) Referenced Study Sequence |
ReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequence | Referenced Performed Procedure Step Sequence | (0008,1111) Referenced Performed Procedure Step Sequence |
ReferencedInstancesBySOPClassSequence | Referenced Instances by SOP Class Sequence | (0008,1112) Referenced Instances by SOP Class Sequence |
ReferencedSeriesSequence | Referenced Series Sequence | (0008,1115) Referenced Series Sequence |
ReferencedPatientSequence | Referenced Patient Sequence | (0008,1120) Referenced Patient Sequence |
ReferencedVisitSequence | Referenced Visit Sequence | (0008,1125) Referenced Visit Sequence |
ReferencedStereometricInstanceSequence | Referenced Stereometric Instance Sequence | (0008,1134) Referenced Stereometric Instance Sequence |
ReferencedWaveformSequence | Referenced Waveform Sequence | (0008,113A) Referenced Waveform Sequence |
ReferencedImageSequence | Referenced Image Sequence | (0008,1140) Referenced Image Sequence |
ReferencedInstanceSequence | Referenced Instance Sequence | (0008,114A) Referenced Instance Sequence |
ReferencedRealWorldValueMappingInstanceSequence | Referenced Real World Value Mapping Instance Sequence | (0008,114B) Referenced Real World Value Mapping Instance Sequence |
ReferencedSegmentationSequence | Referenced Segmentation Sequence | (0008,114C) Referenced Segmentation Sequence |
ReferencedSOPClassUID | Referenced SOP Class UID | (0008,1150) Referenced SOP Class UID |
ReferencedSOPInstanceUID | Referenced SOP Instance UID | (0008,1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID |
DefinitionSourceSequence | Definition Source Sequence | (0008,1156) Definition Source Sequence |
SOPClassesSupported | SOP Classes Supported | (0008,115A) SOP Classes Supported |
ReferencedFrameNumber | Referenced Frame Number | (0008,1160) Referenced Frame Number |
SimpleFrameList | Simple Frame List | (0008,1161) Simple Frame List |
CalculatedFrameList | Calculated Frame List | (0008,1162) Calculated Frame List |
TimeRange | Time Range | (0008,1163) Time Range |
FrameExtractionSequence | Frame Extraction Sequence | (0008,1164) Frame Extraction Sequence |
MultiFrameSourceSOPInstanceUID | Multi-frame Source SOP Instance UID | (0008,1167) Multi-frame Source SOP Instance UID |
RetrieveURL | Retrieve URL | (0008,1190) Retrieve URL |
TransactionUID | Transaction UID | (0008,1195) Transaction UID |
WarningReason | Warning Reason | (0008,1196) Warning Reason |
FailureReason | Failure Reason | (0008,1197) Failure Reason |
FailedSOPSequence | Failed SOP Sequence | (0008,1198) Failed SOP Sequence |
ReferencedSOPSequence | Referenced SOP Sequence | (0008,1199) Referenced SOP Sequence |
OtherFailuresSequence | Other Failures Sequence | (0008,119A) Other Failures Sequence |
FailedStudySequence | Failed Study Sequence | (0008,119B) Failed Study Sequence |
StudiesContainingOtherReferencedInstancesSequence | Studies Containing Other Referenced Instances Sequence | (0008,1200) Studies Containing Other Referenced Instances Sequence |
RelatedSeriesSequence | Related Series Sequence | (0008,1250) Related Series Sequence |
DerivationDescription | Derivation Description | (0008,2111) Derivation Description |
SourceImageSequence | Source Image Sequence | (0008,2112) Source Image Sequence |
StageName | Stage Name | (0008,2120) Stage Name |
StageNumber | Stage Number | (0008,2122) Stage Number |
NumberOfStages | Number of Stages | (0008,2124) Number of Stages |
ViewName | View Name | (0008,2127) View Name |
ViewNumber | View Number | (0008,2128) View Number |
NumberOfEventTimers | Number of Event Timers | (0008,2129) Number of Event Timers |
NumberOfViewsInStage | Number of Views in Stage | (0008,212A) Number of Views in Stage |
EventElapsedTimes | Event Elapsed Time(s) | (0008,2130) Event Elapsed Time(s) |
EventTimerNames | Event Timer Name(s) | (0008,2132) Event Timer Name(s) |
EventTimerSequence | Event Timer Sequence | (0008,2133) Event Timer Sequence |
EventTimeOffset | Event Time Offset | (0008,2134) Event Time Offset |
EventCodeSequence | Event Code Sequence | (0008,2135) Event Code Sequence |
StartTrim | Start Trim | (0008,2142) Start Trim |
StopTrim | Stop Trim | (0008,2143) Stop Trim |
RecommendedDisplayFrameRate | Recommended Display Frame Rate | (0008,2144) Recommended Display Frame Rate |
AnatomicRegionSequence | Anatomic Region Sequence | (0008,2218) Anatomic Region Sequence |
AnatomicRegionModifierSequence | Anatomic Region Modifier Sequence | (0008,2220) Anatomic Region Modifier Sequence |
PrimaryAnatomicStructureSequence | Primary Anatomic Structure Sequence | (0008,2228) Primary Anatomic Structure Sequence |
PrimaryAnatomicStructureModifierSequence | Primary Anatomic Structure Modifier Sequence | (0008,2230) Primary Anatomic Structure Modifier Sequence |
AlternateRepresentationSequence | Alternate Representation Sequence | (0008,3001) Alternate Representation Sequence |
AvailableTransferSyntaxUID | Available Transfer Syntax UID | (0008,3002) Available Transfer Syntax UID |
IrradiationEventUID | Irradiation Event UID | (0008,3010) Irradiation Event UID |
SourceIrradiationEventSequence | Source Irradiation Event Sequence | (0008,3011) Source Irradiation Event Sequence |
RadiopharmaceuticalAdministrationEventUID | Radiopharmaceutical Administration Event UID | (0008,3012) Radiopharmaceutical Administration Event UID |
FrameType | Frame Type | (0008,9007) Frame Type |
ReferencedImageEvidenceSequence | Referenced Image Evidence Sequence | (0008,9092) Referenced Image Evidence Sequence |
ReferencedRawDataSequence | Referenced Raw Data Sequence | (0008,9121) Referenced Raw Data Sequence |
CreatorVersionUID | Creator-Version UID | (0008,9123) Creator-Version UID |
DerivationImageSequence | Derivation Image Sequence | (0008,9124) Derivation Image Sequence |
SourceImageEvidenceSequence | Source Image Evidence Sequence | (0008,9154) Source Image Evidence Sequence |
PixelPresentation | Pixel Presentation | (0008,9205) Pixel Presentation |
VolumetricProperties | Volumetric Properties | (0008,9206) Volumetric Properties |
VolumeBasedCalculationTechnique | Volume Based Calculation Technique | (0008,9207) Volume Based Calculation Technique |
ComplexImageComponent | Complex Image Component | (0008,9208) Complex Image Component |
AcquisitionContrast | Acquisition Contrast | (0008,9209) Acquisition Contrast |
DerivationCodeSequence | Derivation Code Sequence | (0008,9215) Derivation Code Sequence |
ReferencedPresentationStateSequence | Referenced Presentation State Sequence | (0008,9237) Referenced Presentation State Sequence |
ReferencedOtherPlaneSequence | Referenced Other Plane Sequence | (0008,9410) Referenced Other Plane Sequence |
FrameDisplaySequence | Frame Display Sequence | (0008,9458) Frame Display Sequence |
RecommendedDisplayFrameRateInFloat | Recommended Display Frame Rate in Float | (0008,9459) Recommended Display Frame Rate in Float |
SkipFrameRangeFlag | Skip Frame Range Flag | (0008,9460) Skip Frame Range Flag |
PatientName | Patient's Name | (0010,0010) Patient's Name |
PatientID | Patient ID | (0010,0020) Patient ID |
IssuerOfPatientID | Issuer of Patient ID | (0010,0021) Issuer of Patient ID |
TypeOfPatientID | Type of Patient ID | (0010,0022) Type of Patient ID |
IssuerOfPatientIDQualifiersSequence | Issuer of Patient ID Qualifiers Sequence | (0010,0024) Issuer of Patient ID Qualifiers Sequence |
SourcePatientGroupIdentificationSequence | Source Patient Group Identification Sequence | (0010,0026) Source Patient Group Identification Sequence |
GroupOfPatientsIdentificationSequence | Group of Patients Identification Sequence | (0010,0027) Group of Patients Identification Sequence |
SubjectRelativePositionInImage | Subject Relative Position in Image | (0010,0028) Subject Relative Position in Image |
PatientBirthDate | Patient's Birth Date | (0010,0030) Patient's Birth Date |
PatientBirthTime | Patient's Birth Time | (0010,0032) Patient's Birth Time |
PatientBirthDateInAlternativeCalendar | Patient's Birth Date in Alternative Calendar | (0010,0033) Patient's Birth Date in Alternative Calendar |
PatientDeathDateInAlternativeCalendar | Patient's Death Date in Alternative Calendar | (0010,0034) Patient's Death Date in Alternative Calendar |
PatientAlternativeCalendar | Patient's Alternative Calendar | (0010,0035) Patient's Alternative Calendar |
PatientSex | Patient's Sex | (0010,0040) Patient's Sex |
PatientInsurancePlanCodeSequence | Patient's Insurance Plan Code Sequence | (0010,0050) Patient's Insurance Plan Code Sequence |
PatientPrimaryLanguageCodeSequence | Patient's Primary Language Code Sequence | (0010,0101) Patient's Primary Language Code Sequence |
PatientPrimaryLanguageModifierCodeSequence | Patient's Primary Language Modifier Code Sequence | (0010,0102) Patient's Primary Language Modifier Code Sequence |
QualityControlSubject | Quality Control Subject | (0010,0200) Quality Control Subject |
QualityControlSubjectTypeCodeSequence | Quality Control Subject Type Code Sequence | (0010,0201) Quality Control Subject Type Code Sequence |
StrainDescription | Strain Description | (0010,0212) Strain Description |
StrainNomenclature | Strain Nomenclature | (0010,0213) Strain Nomenclature |
StrainStockNumber | Strain Stock Number | (0010,0214) Strain Stock Number |
StrainSourceRegistryCodeSequence | Strain Source Registry Code Sequence | (0010,0215) Strain Source Registry Code Sequence |
StrainStockSequence | Strain Stock Sequence | (0010,0216) Strain Stock Sequence |
StrainSource | Strain Source | (0010,0217) Strain Source |
StrainAdditionalInformation | Strain Additional Information | (0010,0218) Strain Additional Information |
StrainCodeSequence | Strain Code Sequence | (0010,0219) Strain Code Sequence |
GeneticModificationsSequence | Genetic Modifications Sequence | (0010,0221) Genetic Modifications Sequence |
GeneticModificationsDescription | Genetic Modifications Description | (0010,0222) Genetic Modifications Description |
GeneticModificationsNomenclature | Genetic Modifications Nomenclature | (0010,0223) Genetic Modifications Nomenclature |
GeneticModificationsCodeSequence | Genetic Modifications Code Sequence | (0010,0229) Genetic Modifications Code Sequence |
OtherPatientNames | Other Patient Names | (0010,1001) Other Patient Names |
OtherPatientIDsSequence | Other Patient IDs Sequence | (0010,1002) Other Patient IDs Sequence |
PatientBirthName | Patient's Birth Name | (0010,1005) Patient's Birth Name |
PatientAge | Patient's Age | (0010,1010) Patient's Age |
PatientSize | Patient's Size | (0010,1020) Patient's Size |
PatientSizeCodeSequence | Patient's Size Code Sequence | (0010,1021) Patient's Size Code Sequence |
PatientBodyMassIndex | Patient's Body Mass Index | (0010,1022) Patient's Body Mass Index |
MeasuredAPDimension | Measured AP Dimension | (0010,1023) Measured AP Dimension |
MeasuredLateralDimension | Measured Lateral Dimension | (0010,1024) Measured Lateral Dimension |
PatientWeight | Patient's Weight | (0010,1030) Patient's Weight |
PatientAddress | Patient's Address | (0010,1040) Patient's Address |
PatientMotherBirthName | Patient's Mother's Birth Name | (0010,1060) Patient's Mother's Birth Name |
MilitaryRank | Military Rank | (0010,1080) Military Rank |
BranchOfService | Branch of Service | (0010,1081) Branch of Service |
ReferencedPatientPhotoSequence | Referenced Patient Photo Sequence | (0010,1100) Referenced Patient Photo Sequence |
MedicalAlerts | Medical Alerts | (0010,2000) Medical Alerts |
Allergies | Allergies | (0010,2110) Allergies |
CountryOfResidence | Country of Residence | (0010,2150) Country of Residence |
RegionOfResidence | Region of Residence | (0010,2152) Region of Residence |
PatientTelephoneNumbers | Patient's Telephone Numbers | (0010,2154) Patient's Telephone Numbers |
PatientTelecomInformation | Patient's Telecom Information | (0010,2155) Patient's Telecom Information |
EthnicGroup | Ethnic Group | (0010,2160) Ethnic Group |
EthnicGroupCodeSequence | Ethnic Group Code Sequence | (0010,2161) Ethnic Group Code Sequence |
Occupation | Occupation | (0010,2180) Occupation |
SmokingStatus | Smoking Status | (0010,21A0) Smoking Status |
AdditionalPatientHistory | Additional Patient History | (0010,21B0) Additional Patient History |
PregnancyStatus | Pregnancy Status | (0010,21C0) Pregnancy Status |
LastMenstrualDate | Last Menstrual Date | (0010,21D0) Last Menstrual Date |
PatientReligiousPreference | Patient's Religious Preference | (0010,21F0) Patient's Religious Preference |
PatientSpeciesDescription | Patient Species Description | (0010,2201) Patient Species Description |
PatientSpeciesCodeSequence | Patient Species Code Sequence | (0010,2202) Patient Species Code Sequence |
PatientSexNeutered | Patient's Sex Neutered | (0010,2203) Patient's Sex Neutered |
AnatomicalOrientationType | Anatomical Orientation Type | (0010,2210) Anatomical Orientation Type |
PatientBreedDescription | Patient Breed Description | (0010,2292) Patient Breed Description |
PatientBreedCodeSequence | Patient Breed Code Sequence | (0010,2293) Patient Breed Code Sequence |
BreedRegistrationSequence | Breed Registration Sequence | (0010,2294) Breed Registration Sequence |
BreedRegistrationNumber | Breed Registration Number | (0010,2295) Breed Registration Number |
BreedRegistryCodeSequence | Breed Registry Code Sequence | (0010,2296) Breed Registry Code Sequence |
ResponsiblePerson | Responsible Person | (0010,2297) Responsible Person |
ResponsiblePersonRole | Responsible Person Role | (0010,2298) Responsible Person Role |
ResponsibleOrganization | Responsible Organization | (0010,2299) Responsible Organization |
PatientComments | Patient Comments | (0010,4000) Patient Comments |
ExaminedBodyThickness | Examined Body Thickness | (0010,9431) Examined Body Thickness |
ClinicalTrialSponsorName | Clinical Trial Sponsor Name | (0012,0010) Clinical Trial Sponsor Name |
ClinicalTrialProtocolID | Clinical Trial Protocol ID | (0012,0020) Clinical Trial Protocol ID |
ClinicalTrialProtocolName | Clinical Trial Protocol Name | (0012,0021) Clinical Trial Protocol Name |
IssuerOfClinicalTrialProtocolID | Issuer of Clinical Trial Protocol ID | (0012,0022) Issuer of Clinical Trial Protocol ID |
OtherClinicalTrialProtocolIDsSequence | Other Clinical Trial Protocol IDs Sequence | (0012,0023) Other Clinical Trial Protocol IDs Sequence |
ClinicalTrialSiteID | Clinical Trial Site ID | (0012,0030) Clinical Trial Site ID |
ClinicalTrialSiteName | Clinical Trial Site Name | (0012,0031) Clinical Trial Site Name |
IssuerOfClinicalTrialSiteID | Issuer of Clinical Trial Site ID | (0012,0032) Issuer of Clinical Trial Site ID |
ClinicalTrialSubjectID | Clinical Trial Subject ID | (0012,0040) Clinical Trial Subject ID |
IssuerOfClinicalTrialSubjectID | Issuer of Clinical Trial Subject ID | (0012,0041) Issuer of Clinical Trial Subject ID |
ClinicalTrialSubjectReadingID | Clinical Trial Subject Reading ID | (0012,0042) Clinical Trial Subject Reading ID |
IssuerOfClinicalTrialSubjectReadingID | Issuer of Clinical Trial Subject Reading ID | (0012,0043) Issuer of Clinical Trial Subject Reading ID |
ClinicalTrialTimePointID | Clinical Trial Time Point ID | (0012,0050) Clinical Trial Time Point ID |
ClinicalTrialTimePointDescription | Clinical Trial Time Point Description | (0012,0051) Clinical Trial Time Point Description |
LongitudinalTemporalOffsetFromEvent | Longitudinal Temporal Offset from Event | (0012,0052) Longitudinal Temporal Offset from Event |
LongitudinalTemporalEventType | Longitudinal Temporal Event Type | (0012,0053) Longitudinal Temporal Event Type |
ClinicalTrialTimePointTypeCodeSequence | Clinical Trial Time Point Type Code Sequence | (0012,0054) Clinical Trial Time Point Type Code Sequence |
IssuerOfClinicalTrialTimePointID | Issuer of Clinical Trial Time Point ID | (0012,0055) Issuer of Clinical Trial Time Point ID |
ClinicalTrialCoordinatingCenterName | Clinical Trial Coordinating Center Name | (0012,0060) Clinical Trial Coordinating Center Name |
PatientIdentityRemoved | Patient Identity Removed | (0012,0062) Patient Identity Removed |
DeidentificationMethod | De-identification Method | (0012,0063) De-identification Method |
DeidentificationMethodCodeSequence | De-identification Method Code Sequence | (0012,0064) De-identification Method Code Sequence |
ClinicalTrialSeriesID | Clinical Trial Series ID | (0012,0071) Clinical Trial Series ID |
ClinicalTrialSeriesDescription | Clinical Trial Series Description | (0012,0072) Clinical Trial Series Description |
IssuerOfClinicalTrialSeriesID | Issuer of Clinical Trial Series ID | (0012,0073) Issuer of Clinical Trial Series ID |
ClinicalTrialProtocolEthicsCommitteeName | Clinical Trial Protocol Ethics Committee Name | (0012,0081) Clinical Trial Protocol Ethics Committee Name |
ClinicalTrialProtocolEthicsCommitteeApprovalNumber | Clinical Trial Protocol Ethics Committee Approval Number | (0012,0082) Clinical Trial Protocol Ethics Committee Approval Number |
ConsentForClinicalTrialUseSequence | Consent for Clinical Trial Use Sequence | (0012,0083) Consent for Clinical Trial Use Sequence |
DistributionType | Distribution Type | (0012,0084) Distribution Type |
ConsentForDistributionFlag | Consent for Distribution Flag | (0012,0085) Consent for Distribution Flag |
EthicsCommitteeApprovalEffectivenessStartDate | Ethics Committee Approval Effectiveness Start Date | (0012,0086) Ethics Committee Approval Effectiveness Start Date |
EthicsCommitteeApprovalEffectivenessEndDate | Ethics Committee Approval Effectiveness End Date | (0012,0087) Ethics Committee Approval Effectiveness End Date |
ComponentManufacturingProcedure | Component Manufacturing Procedure | (0014,0025) Component Manufacturing Procedure |
ComponentManufacturer | Component Manufacturer | (0014,0028) Component Manufacturer |
MaterialThickness | Material Thickness | (0014,0030) Material Thickness |
MaterialPipeDiameter | Material Pipe Diameter | (0014,0032) Material Pipe Diameter |
MaterialIsolationDiameter | Material Isolation Diameter | (0014,0034) Material Isolation Diameter |
MaterialGrade | Material Grade | (0014,0042) Material Grade |
MaterialPropertiesDescription | Material Properties Description | (0014,0044) Material Properties Description |
MaterialNotes | Material Notes | (0014,0046) Material Notes |
ComponentShape | Component Shape | (0014,0050) Component Shape |
CurvatureType | Curvature Type | (0014,0052) Curvature Type |
OuterDiameter | Outer Diameter | (0014,0054) Outer Diameter |
InnerDiameter | Inner Diameter | (0014,0056) Inner Diameter |
ComponentWelderIDs | Component Welder IDs | (0014,0100) Component Welder IDs |
SecondaryApprovalStatus | Secondary Approval Status | (0014,0101) Secondary Approval Status |
SecondaryReviewDate | Secondary Review Date | (0014,0102) Secondary Review Date |
SecondaryReviewTime | Secondary Review Time | (0014,0103) Secondary Review Time |
SecondaryReviewerName | Secondary Reviewer Name | (0014,0104) Secondary Reviewer Name |
RepairID | Repair ID | (0014,0105) Repair ID |
MultipleComponentApprovalSequence | Multiple Component Approval Sequence | (0014,0106) Multiple Component Approval Sequence |
OtherApprovalStatus | Other Approval Status | (0014,0107) Other Approval Status |
OtherSecondaryApprovalStatus | Other Secondary Approval Status | (0014,0108) Other Secondary Approval Status |
DataElementLabelSequence | Data Element Label Sequence | (0014,0200) Data Element Label Sequence |
DataElementLabelItemSequence | Data Element Label Item Sequence | (0014,0201) Data Element Label Item Sequence |
DataElement | Data Element | (0014,0202) Data Element |
DataElementName | Data Element Name | (0014,0203) Data Element Name |
DataElementDescription | Data Element Description | (0014,0204) Data Element Description |
DataElementConditionality | Data Element Conditionality | (0014,0205) Data Element Conditionality |
DataElementMinimumCharacters | Data Element Minimum Characters | (0014,0206) Data Element Minimum Characters |
DataElementMaximumCharacters | Data Element Maximum Characters | (0014,0207) Data Element Maximum Characters |
ActualEnvironmentalConditions | Actual Environmental Conditions | (0014,1010) Actual Environmental Conditions |
ExpiryDate | Expiry Date | (0014,1020) Expiry Date |
EnvironmentalConditions | Environmental Conditions | (0014,1040) Environmental Conditions |
EvaluatorSequence | Evaluator Sequence | (0014,2002) Evaluator Sequence |
EvaluatorNumber | Evaluator Number | (0014,2004) Evaluator Number |
EvaluatorName | Evaluator Name | (0014,2006) Evaluator Name |
EvaluationAttempt | Evaluation Attempt | (0014,2008) Evaluation Attempt |
IndicationSequence | Indication Sequence | (0014,2012) Indication Sequence |
IndicationNumber | Indication Number | (0014,2014) Indication Number |
IndicationLabel | Indication Label | (0014,2016) Indication Label |
IndicationDescription | Indication Description | (0014,2018) Indication Description |
IndicationType | Indication Type | (0014,201A) Indication Type |
IndicationDisposition | Indication Disposition | (0014,201C) Indication Disposition |
IndicationROISequence | Indication ROI Sequence | (0014,201E) Indication ROI Sequence |
IndicationPhysicalPropertySequence | Indication Physical Property Sequence | (0014,2030) Indication Physical Property Sequence |
PropertyLabel | Property Label | (0014,2032) Property Label |
CoordinateSystemNumberOfAxes | Coordinate System Number of Axes | (0014,2202) Coordinate System Number of Axes |
CoordinateSystemAxesSequence | Coordinate System Axes Sequence | (0014,2204) Coordinate System Axes Sequence |
CoordinateSystemAxisDescription | Coordinate System Axis Description | (0014,2206) Coordinate System Axis Description |
CoordinateSystemDataSetMapping | Coordinate System Data Set Mapping | (0014,2208) Coordinate System Data Set Mapping |
CoordinateSystemAxisNumber | Coordinate System Axis Number | (0014,220A) Coordinate System Axis Number |
CoordinateSystemAxisType | Coordinate System Axis Type | (0014,220C) Coordinate System Axis Type |
CoordinateSystemAxisUnits | Coordinate System Axis Units | (0014,220E) Coordinate System Axis Units |
CoordinateSystemAxisValues | Coordinate System Axis Values | (0014,2210) Coordinate System Axis Values |
CoordinateSystemTransformSequence | Coordinate System Transform Sequence | (0014,2220) Coordinate System Transform Sequence |
TransformDescription | Transform Description | (0014,2222) Transform Description |
TransformNumberOfAxes | Transform Number of Axes | (0014,2224) Transform Number of Axes |
TransformOrderOfAxes | Transform Order of Axes | (0014,2226) Transform Order of Axes |
TransformedAxisUnits | Transformed Axis Units | (0014,2228) Transformed Axis Units |
CoordinateSystemTransformRotationAndScaleMatrix | Coordinate System Transform Rotation and Scale Matrix | (0014,222A) Coordinate System Transform Rotation and Scale Matrix |
CoordinateSystemTransformTranslationMatrix | Coordinate System Transform Translation Matrix | (0014,222C) Coordinate System Transform Translation Matrix |
InternalDetectorFrameTime | Internal Detector Frame Time | (0014,3011) Internal Detector Frame Time |
NumberOfFramesIntegrated | Number of Frames Integrated | (0014,3012) Number of Frames Integrated |
DetectorTemperatureSequence | Detector Temperature Sequence | (0014,3020) Detector Temperature Sequence |
SensorName | Sensor Name | (0014,3022) Sensor Name |
HorizontalOffsetOfSensor | Horizontal Offset of Sensor | (0014,3024) Horizontal Offset of Sensor |
VerticalOffsetOfSensor | Vertical Offset of Sensor | (0014,3026) Vertical Offset of Sensor |
SensorTemperature | Sensor Temperature | (0014,3028) Sensor Temperature |
DarkCurrentSequence | Dark Current Sequence | (0014,3040) Dark Current Sequence |
DarkCurrentCounts | Dark Current Counts | (0014,3050) Dark Current Counts |
GainCorrectionReferenceSequence | Gain Correction Reference Sequence | (0014,3060) Gain Correction Reference Sequence |
AirCounts | Air Counts | (0014,3070) Air Counts |
KVUsedInGainCalibration | KV Used in Gain Calibration | (0014,3071) KV Used in Gain Calibration |
MAUsedInGainCalibration | MA Used in Gain Calibration | (0014,3072) MA Used in Gain Calibration |
NumberOfFramesUsedForIntegration | Number of Frames Used for Integration | (0014,3073) Number of Frames Used for Integration |
FilterMaterialUsedInGainCalibration | Filter Material Used in Gain Calibration | (0014,3074) Filter Material Used in Gain Calibration |
FilterThicknessUsedInGainCalibration | Filter Thickness Used in Gain Calibration | (0014,3075) Filter Thickness Used in Gain Calibration |
DateOfGainCalibration | Date of Gain Calibration | (0014,3076) Date of Gain Calibration |
TimeOfGainCalibration | Time of Gain Calibration | (0014,3077) Time of Gain Calibration |
BadPixelImage | Bad Pixel Image | (0014,3080) Bad Pixel Image |
CalibrationNotes | Calibration Notes | (0014,3099) Calibration Notes |
LinearityCorrectionTechnique | Linearity Correction Technique | (0014,3100) Linearity Correction Technique |
BeamHardeningCorrectionTechnique | Beam Hardening Correction Technique | (0014,3101) Beam Hardening Correction Technique |
PulserEquipmentSequence | Pulser Equipment Sequence | (0014,4002) Pulser Equipment Sequence |
PulserType | Pulser Type | (0014,4004) Pulser Type |
PulserNotes | Pulser Notes | (0014,4006) Pulser Notes |
ReceiverEquipmentSequence | Receiver Equipment Sequence | (0014,4008) Receiver Equipment Sequence |
AmplifierType | Amplifier Type | (0014,400A) Amplifier Type |
ReceiverNotes | Receiver Notes | (0014,400C) Receiver Notes |
PreAmplifierEquipmentSequence | Pre-Amplifier Equipment Sequence | (0014,400E) Pre-Amplifier Equipment Sequence |
PreAmplifierNotes | Pre-Amplifier Notes | (0014,400F) Pre-Amplifier Notes |
TransmitTransducerSequence | Transmit Transducer Sequence | (0014,4010) Transmit Transducer Sequence |
ReceiveTransducerSequence | Receive Transducer Sequence | (0014,4011) Receive Transducer Sequence |
NumberOfElements | Number of Elements | (0014,4012) Number of Elements |
ElementShape | Element Shape | (0014,4013) Element Shape |
ElementDimensionA | Element Dimension A | (0014,4014) Element Dimension A |
ElementDimensionB | Element Dimension B | (0014,4015) Element Dimension B |
ElementPitchA | Element Pitch A | (0014,4016) Element Pitch A |
MeasuredBeamDimensionA | Measured Beam Dimension A | (0014,4017) Measured Beam Dimension A |
MeasuredBeamDimensionB | Measured Beam Dimension B | (0014,4018) Measured Beam Dimension B |
LocationOfMeasuredBeamDiameter | Location of Measured Beam Diameter | (0014,4019) Location of Measured Beam Diameter |
NominalFrequency | Nominal Frequency | (0014,401A) Nominal Frequency |
MeasuredCenterFrequency | Measured Center Frequency | (0014,401B) Measured Center Frequency |
MeasuredBandwidth | Measured Bandwidth | (0014,401C) Measured Bandwidth |
ElementPitchB | Element Pitch B | (0014,401D) Element Pitch B |
PulserSettingsSequence | Pulser Settings Sequence | (0014,4020) Pulser Settings Sequence |
PulseWidth | Pulse Width | (0014,4022) Pulse Width |
ExcitationFrequency | Excitation Frequency | (0014,4024) Excitation Frequency |
ModulationType | Modulation Type | (0014,4026) Modulation Type |
Damping | Damping | (0014,4028) Damping |
ReceiverSettingsSequence | Receiver Settings Sequence | (0014,4030) Receiver Settings Sequence |
AcquiredSoundpathLength | Acquired Soundpath Length | (0014,4031) Acquired Soundpath Length |
AcquisitionCompressionType | Acquisition Compression Type | (0014,4032) Acquisition Compression Type |
AcquisitionSampleSize | Acquisition Sample Size | (0014,4033) Acquisition Sample Size |
RectifierSmoothing | Rectifier Smoothing | (0014,4034) Rectifier Smoothing |
DACSequence | DAC Sequence | (0014,4035) DAC Sequence |
DACType | DAC Type | (0014,4036) DAC Type |
DACGainPoints | DAC Gain Points | (0014,4038) DAC Gain Points |
DACTimePoints | DAC Time Points | (0014,403A) DAC Time Points |
DACAmplitude | DAC Amplitude | (0014,403C) DAC Amplitude |
PreAmplifierSettingsSequence | Pre-Amplifier Settings Sequence | (0014,4040) Pre-Amplifier Settings Sequence |
TransmitTransducerSettingsSequence | Transmit Transducer Settings Sequence | (0014,4050) Transmit Transducer Settings Sequence |
ReceiveTransducerSettingsSequence | Receive Transducer Settings Sequence | (0014,4051) Receive Transducer Settings Sequence |
IncidentAngle | Incident Angle | (0014,4052) Incident Angle |
CouplingTechnique | Coupling Technique | (0014,4054) Coupling Technique |
CouplingMedium | Coupling Medium | (0014,4056) Coupling Medium |
CouplingVelocity | Coupling Velocity | (0014,4057) Coupling Velocity |
ProbeCenterLocationX | Probe Center Location X | (0014,4058) Probe Center Location X |
ProbeCenterLocationZ | Probe Center Location Z | (0014,4059) Probe Center Location Z |
SoundPathLength | Sound Path Length | (0014,405A) Sound Path Length |
DelayLawIdentifier | Delay Law Identifier | (0014,405C) Delay Law Identifier |
GateSettingsSequence | Gate Settings Sequence | (0014,4060) Gate Settings Sequence |
GateThreshold | Gate Threshold | (0014,4062) Gate Threshold |
VelocityOfSound | Velocity of Sound | (0014,4064) Velocity of Sound |
CalibrationSettingsSequence | Calibration Settings Sequence | (0014,4070) Calibration Settings Sequence |
CalibrationProcedure | Calibration Procedure | (0014,4072) Calibration Procedure |
ProcedureVersion | Procedure Version | (0014,4074) Procedure Version |
ProcedureCreationDate | Procedure Creation Date | (0014,4076) Procedure Creation Date |
ProcedureExpirationDate | Procedure Expiration Date | (0014,4078) Procedure Expiration Date |
ProcedureLastModifiedDate | Procedure Last Modified Date | (0014,407A) Procedure Last Modified Date |
CalibrationTime | Calibration Time | (0014,407C) Calibration Time |
CalibrationDate | Calibration Date | (0014,407E) Calibration Date |
ProbeDriveEquipmentSequence | Probe Drive Equipment Sequence | (0014,4080) Probe Drive Equipment Sequence |
DriveType | Drive Type | (0014,4081) Drive Type |
ProbeDriveNotes | Probe Drive Notes | (0014,4082) Probe Drive Notes |
DriveProbeSequence | Drive Probe Sequence | (0014,4083) Drive Probe Sequence |
ProbeInductance | Probe Inductance | (0014,4084) Probe Inductance |
ProbeResistance | Probe Resistance | (0014,4085) Probe Resistance |
ReceiveProbeSequence | Receive Probe Sequence | (0014,4086) Receive Probe Sequence |
ProbeDriveSettingsSequence | Probe Drive Settings Sequence | (0014,4087) Probe Drive Settings Sequence |
BridgeResistors | Bridge Resistors | (0014,4088) Bridge Resistors |
ProbeOrientationAngle | Probe Orientation Angle | (0014,4089) Probe Orientation Angle |
UserSelectedGainY | User Selected Gain Y | (0014,408B) User Selected Gain Y |
UserSelectedPhase | User Selected Phase | (0014,408C) User Selected Phase |
UserSelectedOffsetX | User Selected Offset X | (0014,408D) User Selected Offset X |
UserSelectedOffsetY | User Selected Offset Y | (0014,408E) User Selected Offset Y |
ChannelSettingsSequence | Channel Settings Sequence | (0014,4091) Channel Settings Sequence |
ChannelThreshold | Channel Threshold | (0014,4092) Channel Threshold |
ScannerSettingsSequence | Scanner Settings Sequence | (0014,409A) Scanner Settings Sequence |
ScanProcedure | Scan Procedure | (0014,409B) Scan Procedure |
TranslationRateX | Translation Rate X | (0014,409C) Translation Rate X |
TranslationRateY | Translation Rate Y | (0014,409D) Translation Rate Y |
ChannelOverlap | Channel Overlap | (0014,409F) Channel Overlap |
ImageQualityIndicatorType | Image Quality Indicator Type | (0014,40A0) Image Quality Indicator Type |
ImageQualityIndicatorMaterial | Image Quality Indicator Material | (0014,40A1) Image Quality Indicator Material |
ImageQualityIndicatorSize | Image Quality Indicator Size | (0014,40A2) Image Quality Indicator Size |
LINACEnergy | LINAC Energy | (0014,5002) LINAC Energy |
LINACOutput | LINAC Output | (0014,5004) LINAC Output |
ActiveAperture | Active Aperture | (0014,5100) Active Aperture |
TotalAperture | Total Aperture | (0014,5101) Total Aperture |
ApertureElevation | Aperture Elevation | (0014,5102) Aperture Elevation |
MainLobeAngle | Main Lobe Angle | (0014,5103) Main Lobe Angle |
MainRoofAngle | Main Roof Angle | (0014,5104) Main Roof Angle |
ConnectorType | Connector Type | (0014,5105) Connector Type |
WedgeModelNumber | Wedge Model Number | (0014,5106) Wedge Model Number |
WedgeAngleFloat | Wedge Angle Float | (0014,5107) Wedge Angle Float |
WedgeRoofAngle | Wedge Roof Angle | (0014,5108) Wedge Roof Angle |
WedgeElement1Position | Wedge Element 1 Position | (0014,5109) Wedge Element 1 Position |
WedgeMaterialVelocity | Wedge Material Velocity | (0014,510A) Wedge Material Velocity |
WedgeMaterial | Wedge Material | (0014,510B) Wedge Material |
WedgeOffsetZ | Wedge Offset Z | (0014,510C) Wedge Offset Z |
WedgeOriginOffsetX | Wedge Origin Offset X | (0014,510D) Wedge Origin Offset X |
WedgeTimeDelay | Wedge Time Delay | (0014,510E) Wedge Time Delay |
WedgeName | Wedge Name | (0014,510F) Wedge Name |
WedgeManufacturerName | Wedge Manufacturer Name | (0014,5110) Wedge Manufacturer Name |
WedgeDescription | Wedge Description | (0014,5111) Wedge Description |
NominalBeamAngle | Nominal Beam Angle | (0014,5112) Nominal Beam Angle |
WedgeOffsetX | Wedge Offset X | (0014,5113) Wedge Offset X |
WedgeOffsetY | Wedge Offset Y | (0014,5114) Wedge Offset Y |
WedgeTotalLength | Wedge Total Length | (0014,5115) Wedge Total Length |
WedgeInContactLength | Wedge In Contact Length | (0014,5116) Wedge In Contact Length |
WedgeFrontGap | Wedge Front Gap | (0014,5117) Wedge Front Gap |
WedgeTotalHeight | Wedge Total Height | (0014,5118) Wedge Total Height |
WedgeFrontHeight | Wedge Front Height | (0014,5119) Wedge Front Height |
WedgeRearHeight | Wedge Rear Height | (0014,511A) Wedge Rear Height |
WedgeTotalWidth | Wedge Total Width | (0014,511B) Wedge Total Width |
WedgeInContactWidth | Wedge In Contact Width | (0014,511C) Wedge In Contact Width |
WedgeChamferHeight | Wedge Chamfer Height | (0014,511D) Wedge Chamfer Height |
WedgeCurve | Wedge Curve | (0014,511E) Wedge Curve |
RadiusAlongWedge | Radius Along the Wedge | (0014,511F) Radius Along the Wedge |
ThermalCameraSettingsSequence | Thermal Camera Settings Sequence | (0014,6001) Thermal Camera Settings Sequence |
AcquisitionFrameRate | Acquisition Frame Rate | (0014,6002) Acquisition Frame Rate |
IntegrationTime | Integration Time | (0014,6003) Integration Time |
NumberOfCalibrationFrames | Number of Calibration Frames | (0014,6004) Number of Calibration Frames |
NumberOfRowsInFullAcquisitionImage | Number of Rows in Full Acquisition Image | (0014,6005) Number of Rows in Full Acquisition Image |
NumberOfColumnsInFullAcquisitionImage | Number Of Columns in Full Acquisition Image | (0014,6006) Number Of Columns in Full Acquisition Image |
ThermalSourceSettingsSequence | Thermal Source Settings Sequence | (0014,6007) Thermal Source Settings Sequence |
SourceHorizontalPitch | Source Horizontal Pitch | (0014,6008) Source Horizontal Pitch |
SourceVerticalPitch | Source Vertical Pitch | (0014,6009) Source Vertical Pitch |
SourceHorizontalScanSpeed | Source Horizontal Scan Speed | (0014,600A) Source Horizontal Scan Speed |
ThermalSourceModulationFrequency | Thermal Source Modulation Frequency | (0014,600B) Thermal Source Modulation Frequency |
InductionSourceSettingSequence | Induction Source Setting Sequence | (0014,600C) Induction Source Setting Sequence |
CoilFrequency | Coil Frequency | (0014,600D) Coil Frequency |
CurrentAmplitudeAcrossCoil | Current Amplitude Across Coil | (0014,600E) Current Amplitude Across Coil |
FlashSourceSettingSequence | Flash Source Setting Sequence | (0014,600F) Flash Source Setting Sequence |
FlashDuration | Flash Duration | (0014,6010) Flash Duration |
FlashFrameNumber | Flash Frame Number | (0014,6011) Flash Frame Number |
LaserSourceSettingSequence | Laser Source Setting Sequence | (0014,6012) Laser Source Setting Sequence |
HorizontalLaserSpotDimension | Horizontal Laser Spot Dimension | (0014,6013) Horizontal Laser Spot Dimension |
VerticalLaserSpotDimension | Vertical Laser Spot Dimension | (0014,6014) Vertical Laser Spot Dimension |
LaserWavelength | Laser Wavelength | (0014,6015) Laser Wavelength |
LaserPower | Laser Power | (0014,6016) Laser Power |
ForcedGasSettingSequence | Forced Gas Setting Sequence | (0014,6017) Forced Gas Setting Sequence |
VibrationSourceSettingSequence | Vibration Source Setting Sequence | (0014,6018) Vibration Source Setting Sequence |
VibrationExcitationFrequency | Vibration Excitation Frequency | (0014,6019) Vibration Excitation Frequency |
VibrationExcitationVoltage | Vibration Excitation Voltage | (0014,601A) Vibration Excitation Voltage |
ThermographyDataCaptureMethod | Thermography Data Capture Method | (0014,601B) Thermography Data Capture Method |
ThermalTechnique | Thermal Technique | (0014,601C) Thermal Technique |
ThermalCameraCoreSequence | Thermal Camera Core Sequence | (0014,601D) Thermal Camera Core Sequence |
DetectorWavelengthRange | Detector Wavelength Range | (0014,601E) Detector Wavelength Range |
ThermalCameraCalibrationType | Thermal Camera Calibration Type | (0014,601F) Thermal Camera Calibration Type |
AcquisitionImageCounter | Acquisition Image Counter | (0014,6020) Acquisition Image Counter |
FrontPanelTemperature | Front Panel Temperature | (0014,6021) Front Panel Temperature |
AirGapTemperature | Air Gap Temperature | (0014,6022) Air Gap Temperature |
VerticalPixelSize | Vertical Pixel Size | (0014,6023) Vertical Pixel Size |
HorizontalPixelSize | Horizontal Pixel Size | (0014,6024) Horizontal Pixel Size |
DataStreamingProtocol | Data Streaming Protocol | (0014,6025) Data Streaming Protocol |
LensSequence | Lens Sequence | (0014,6026) Lens Sequence |
FieldOfView | Field of View | (0014,6027) Field of View |
LensFilterManufacturer | Lens Filter Manufacturer | (0014,6028) Lens Filter Manufacturer |
CutoffFilterType | Cutoff Filter Type | (0014,6029) Cutoff Filter Type |
LensFilterCutOffWavelength | Lens Filter Cut-Off Wavelength | (0014,602A) Lens Filter Cut-Off Wavelength |
ThermalSourceSequence | Thermal Source Sequence | (0014,602B) Thermal Source Sequence |
ThermalSourceMotionState | Thermal Source Motion State | (0014,602C) Thermal Source Motion State |
ThermalSourceMotionType | Thermal Source Motion Type | (0014,602D) Thermal Source Motion Type |
InductionHeatingSequence | Induction Heating Sequence | (0014,602E) Induction Heating Sequence |
CoilConfigurationID | Coil Configuration ID | (0014,602F) Coil Configuration ID |
NumberOfTurnsInCoil | Number of Turns in Coil | (0014,6030) Number of Turns in Coil |
ShapeOfIndividualTurn | Shape of Individual Turn | (0014,6031) Shape of Individual Turn |
SizeOfIndividualTurn | Size of Individual Turn | (0014,6032) Size of Individual Turn |
DistanceBetweenTurns | Distance Between Turns | (0014,6033) Distance Between Turns |
FlashHeatingSequence | Flash Heating Sequence | (0014,6034) Flash Heating Sequence |
NumberOfLamps | Number of Lamps | (0014,6035) Number of Lamps |
FlashSynchronizationProtocol | Flash Synchronization Protocol | (0014,6036) Flash Synchronization Protocol |
FlashModificationStatus | Flash Modification Status | (0014,6037) Flash Modification Status |
LaserHeatingSequence | Laser Heating Sequence | (0014,6038) Laser Heating Sequence |
LaserManufacturer | Laser Manufacturer | (0014,6039) Laser Manufacturer |
LaserModelNumber | Laser Model Number | (0014,603A) Laser Model Number |
LaserTypeDescription | Laser Type Description | (0014,603B) Laser Type Description |
ForcedGasHeatingSequence | Forced Gas Heating Sequence | (0014,603C) Forced Gas Heating Sequence |
GasUsedForHeatingCoolingPart | Gas Used for Heating/Cooling Part | (0014,603D) Gas Used for Heating/Cooling Part |
VibrationSonicHeatingSequence | Vibration/Sonic Heating Sequence | (0014,603E) Vibration/Sonic Heating Sequence |
ProbeManufacturer | Probe Manufacturer | (0014,603F) Probe Manufacturer |
ProbeModelNumber | Probe Model Number | (0014,6040) Probe Model Number |
ApertureSize | Aperture Size | (0014,6041) Aperture Size |
ProbeResonantFrequency | Probe Resonant Frequency | (0014,6042) Probe Resonant Frequency |
HeatSourceDescription | Heat Source Description | (0014,6043) Heat Source Description |
SurfacePreparationWithOpticalCoating | Surface Preparation with Optical Coating | (0014,6044) Surface Preparation with Optical Coating |
OpticalCoatingType | Optical Coating Type | (0014,6045) Optical Coating Type |
ThermalConductivityOfExposedSurface | Thermal Conductivity of Exposed Surface | (0014,6046) Thermal Conductivity of Exposed Surface |
MaterialDensity | Material Density | (0014,6047) Material Density |
SpecificHeatOfInspectionSurface | Specific Heat of Inspection Surface | (0014,6048) Specific Heat of Inspection Surface |
EmissivityOfInspectionSurface | Emissivity of Inspection Surface | (0014,6049) Emissivity of Inspection Surface |
ElectromagneticClassificationOfInspectionSurface | Electromagnetic Classification of Inspection Surface | (0014,604A) Electromagnetic Classification of Inspection Surface |
MovingWindowSize | Moving Window Size | (0014,604C) Moving Window Size |
MovingWindowType | Moving Window Type | (0014,604D) Moving Window Type |
MovingWindowWeights | Moving Window Weights | (0014,604E) Moving Window Weights |
MovingWindowPitch | Moving Window Pitch | (0014,604F) Moving Window Pitch |
MovingWindowPaddingScheme | Moving Window Padding Scheme | (0014,6050) Moving Window Padding Scheme |
MovingWindowPaddingLength | Moving Window Padding Sength | (0014,6051) Moving Window Padding Sength |
SpatialFilteringParametersSequence | Spatial Filtering Parameters Sequence | (0014,6052) Spatial Filtering Parameters Sequence |
SpatialFilteringScheme | Spatial Filtering Scheme | (0014,6053) Spatial Filtering Scheme |
HorizontalMovingWindowSize | Horizontal Moving Window Size | (0014,6056) Horizontal Moving Window Size |
VerticalMovingWindowSize | Vertical Moving Window Size | (0014,6057) Vertical Moving Window Size |
PolynomialFittingSequence | Polynomial Fitting Sequence | (0014,6059) Polynomial Fitting Sequence |
FittingDataType | Fitting Data Type | (0014,605A) Fitting Data Type |
OperationOnTimeAxisBeforeFitting | Operation on Time Axis Before Fitting | (0014,605B) Operation on Time Axis Before Fitting |
OperationOnPixelIntensityBeforeFitting | Operation on Pixel Intensity Before Fitting | (0014,605C) Operation on Pixel Intensity Before Fitting |
OrderOfPolynomial | Order of Polynomial | (0014,605D) Order of Polynomial |
IndependentVariableForPolynomialFit | Independent Variable for Polynomial Fit | (0014,605E) Independent Variable for Polynomial Fit |
PolynomialCoefficients | PolynomialâCoefficients | (0014,605F) PolynomialâCoefficients |
ThermographyPixelDataUnit | Thermography Pixel Data Unit | (0014,6060) Thermography Pixel Data Unit |
WhitePoint | White Point | (0016,0001) White Point |
PrimaryChromaticities | Primary Chromaticities | (0016,0002) Primary Chromaticities |
BatteryLevel | Battery Level | (0016,0003) Battery Level |
ExposureTimeInSeconds | Exposure Time in Seconds | (0016,0004) Exposure Time in Seconds |
FNumber | F-Number | (0016,0005) F-Number |
OECFRows | OECF Rows | (0016,0006) OECF Rows |
OECFColumns | OECF Columns | (0016,0007) OECF Columns |
OECFColumnNames | OECF Column Names | (0016,0008) OECF Column Names |
OECFValues | OECF Values | (0016,0009) OECF Values |
SpatialFrequencyResponseRows | Spatial Frequency Response Rows | (0016,000A) Spatial Frequency Response Rows |
SpatialFrequencyResponseColumns | Spatial Frequency Response Columns | (0016,000B) Spatial Frequency Response Columns |
SpatialFrequencyResponseColumnNames | Spatial Frequency Response Column Names | (0016,000C) Spatial Frequency Response Column Names |
SpatialFrequencyResponseValues | Spatial Frequency Response Values | (0016,000D) Spatial Frequency Response Values |
ColorFilterArrayPatternRows | Color Filter Array Pattern Rows | (0016,000E) Color Filter Array Pattern Rows |
ColorFilterArrayPatternColumns | Color Filter Array Pattern Columns | (0016,000F) Color Filter Array Pattern Columns |
ColorFilterArrayPatternValues | Color Filter Array Pattern Values | (0016,0010) Color Filter Array Pattern Values |
FlashFiringStatus | Flash Firing Status | (0016,0011) Flash Firing Status |
FlashReturnStatus | Flash Return Status | (0016,0012) Flash Return Status |
FlashMode | Flash Mode | (0016,0013) Flash Mode |
FlashFunctionPresent | Flash Function Present | (0016,0014) Flash Function Present |
FlashRedEyeMode | Flash Red Eye Mode | (0016,0015) Flash Red Eye Mode |
ExposureProgram | Exposure Program | (0016,0016) Exposure Program |
SpectralSensitivity | Spectral Sensitivity | (0016,0017) Spectral Sensitivity |
PhotographicSensitivity | Photographic Sensitivity | (0016,0018) Photographic Sensitivity |
SelfTimerMode | Self Timer Mode | (0016,0019) Self Timer Mode |
SensitivityType | Sensitivity Type | (0016,001A) Sensitivity Type |
StandardOutputSensitivity | Standard Output Sensitivity | (0016,001B) Standard Output Sensitivity |
RecommendedExposureIndex | Recommended Exposure Index | (0016,001C) Recommended Exposure Index |
ISOSpeed | ISO Speedâ | (0016,001D) ISO Speedâ |
ISOSpeedLatitudeyyy | ISO Speedââ Latitude yyy | (0016,001E) ISO Speedââ Latitude yyy |
ISOSpeedLatitudezzz | ISO Speedââ Latitude zzz | (0016,001F) ISO Speedââ Latitude zzz |
EXIFVersion | EXIF Version | (0016,0020) EXIF Version |
ShutterSpeedValue | Shutter Speed Value | (0016,0021) Shutter Speed Value |
ApertureValue | Aperture Value | (0016,0022) Aperture Value |
BrightnessValue | Brightness Value | (0016,0023) Brightness Value |
ExposureBiasValue | Exposure Bias Value | (0016,0024) Exposure Bias Value |
MaxApertureValue | Max Aperture Value | (0016,0025) Max Aperture Value |
SubjectDistance | Subject Distance | (0016,0026) Subject Distance |
MeteringMode | Metering Mode | (0016,0027) Metering Mode |
LightSource | Light Source | (0016,0028) Light Source |
FocalLength | Focal Length | (0016,0029) Focal Length |
SubjectArea | Subject Area | (0016,002A) Subject Area |
MakerNote | Maker Note | (0016,002B) Maker Note |
Temperature | Temperature | (0016,0030) Temperature |
Humidity | Humidity | (0016,0031) Humidity |
Pressure | Pressure | (0016,0032) Pressure |
WaterDepth | Water Depth | (0016,0033) Water Depth |
Acceleration | Acceleration | (0016,0034) Acceleration |
CameraElevationAngle | Camera Elevation Angle | (0016,0035) Camera Elevation Angle |
FlashEnergy | Flash Energy | (0016,0036) Flash Energy |
SubjectLocation | Subject Location | (0016,0037) Subject Location |
PhotographicExposureIndex | Photographic Exposure Index | (0016,0038) Photographic Exposure Index |
SensingMethod | Sensing Method | (0016,0039) Sensing Method |
FileSource | File Source | (0016,003A) File Source |
SceneType | Scene Type | (0016,003B) Scene Type |
CustomRendered | Custom Rendered | (0016,0041) Custom Rendered |
ExposureMode | Exposure Mode | (0016,0042) Exposure Mode |
WhiteBalance | White Balance | (0016,0043) White Balance |
DigitalZoomRatio | Digital Zoom Ratio | (0016,0044) Digital Zoom Ratio |
FocalLengthIn35mmFilm | Focal Length In 35mmâ Film | (0016,0045) Focal Length In 35mmâ Film |
SceneCaptureType | Scene Capture Type | (0016,0046) Scene Capture Type |
GainControl | Gain Control | (0016,0047) Gain Control |
Contrast | Contrast | (0016,0048) Contrast |
Saturation | Saturation | (0016,0049) Saturation |
Sharpness | Sharpness | (0016,004A) Sharpness |
DeviceSettingDescription | Device Setting Description | (0016,004B) Device Setting Description |
SubjectDistanceRange | Subject Distance Range | (0016,004C) Subject Distance Range |
CameraOwnerName | Camera Owner Name | (0016,004D) Camera Owner Name |
LensSpecification | Lens Specification | (0016,004E) Lens Specification |
LensMake | Lens Make | (0016,004F) Lens Make |
LensModel | Lens Model | (0016,0050) Lens Model |
LensSerialNumber | Lens Serial Number | (0016,0051) Lens Serial Number |
InteroperabilityIndex | Interoperability Index | (0016,0061) Interoperability Index |
InteroperabilityVersion | Interoperability Version | (0016,0062) Interoperability Version |
GPSVersionID | GPS Version ID | (0016,0070) GPS Version ID |
GPSLatitudeRef | GPS Latitudeâ Ref | (0016,0071) GPS Latitudeâ Ref |
GPSLatitude | GPS Latitudeâ | (0016,0072) GPS Latitudeâ |
GPSLongitudeRef | GPS Longitude Ref | (0016,0073) GPS Longitude Ref |
GPSLongitude | GPS Longitude | (0016,0074) GPS Longitude |
GPSAltitudeRef | GPS Altitudeâ Ref | (0016,0075) GPS Altitudeâ Ref |
GPSAltitude | GPS Altitudeâ | (0016,0076) GPS Altitudeâ |
GPSTimeStamp | GPS Timeâ Stamp | (0016,0077) GPS Timeâ Stamp |
GPSSatellites | GPS Satellites | (0016,0078) GPS Satellites |
GPSStatus | GPS Status | (0016,0079) GPS Status |
GPSMeasureMode | GPS Measure âMode | (0016,007A) GPS Measure âMode |
GPSDOP | GPS DOP | (0016,007B) GPS DOP |
GPSSpeedRef | GPS Speedâ Ref | (0016,007C) GPS Speedâ Ref |
GPSSpeed | GPS Speedâ | (0016,007D) GPS Speedâ |
GPSTrackRef | GPS Track âRef | (0016,007E) GPS Track âRef |
GPSTrack | GPS Track | (0016,007F) GPS Track |
GPSImgDirectionRef | GPS Imgâ Direction Ref | (0016,0080) GPS Imgâ Direction Ref |
GPSImgDirection | GPS Imgâ Direction | (0016,0081) GPS Imgâ Direction |
GPSMapDatum | GPS Mapâ Datum | (0016,0082) GPS Mapâ Datum |
GPSDestLatitudeRef | GPS Dest âLatitude Ref | (0016,0083) GPS Dest âLatitude Ref |
GPSDestLatitude | GPS Destâ Latitude | (0016,0084) GPS Destâ Latitude |
GPSDestLongitudeRef | GPS Destâ Longitude Ref | (0016,0085) GPS Destâ Longitude Ref |
GPSDestLongitude | GPS Dest âLongitude | (0016,0086) GPS Dest âLongitude |
GPSDestBearingRef | GPS Dest âBearing Ref | (0016,0087) GPS Dest âBearing Ref |
GPSDestBearing | GPS Dest âBearing | (0016,0088) GPS Dest âBearing |
GPSDestDistanceRef | GPS Dest âDistance Ref | (0016,0089) GPS Dest âDistance Ref |
GPSDestDistance | GPS Destâ Distance | (0016,008A) GPS Destâ Distance |
GPSProcessingMethod | GPS Processingâ Method | (0016,008B) GPS Processingâ Method |
GPSAreaInformation | GPS Area âInformation | (0016,008C) GPS Area âInformation |
GPSDateStamp | GPS Dateâ Stamp | (0016,008D) GPS Dateâ Stamp |
GPSDifferential | GPS Differential | (0016,008E) GPS Differential |
LightSourcePolarization | Light Source Polarization | (0016,1001) Light Source Polarization |
EmitterColorTemperature | Emitter Color Temperature | (0016,1002) Emitter Color Temperature |
ContactMethod | Contact Method | (0016,1003) Contact Method |
ImmersionMedia | Immersion Media | (0016,1004) Immersion Media |
OpticalMagnificationFactor | Optical Magnification Factor | (0016,1005) Optical Magnification Factor |
ContrastBolusAgent | Contrast/Bolus Agent | (0018,0010) Contrast/Bolus Agent |
ContrastBolusAgentSequence | Contrast/Bolus Agent Sequence | (0018,0012) Contrast/Bolus Agent Sequence |
ContrastBolusT1Relaxivity | Contrast/Bolus T1 Relaxivity | (0018,0013) Contrast/Bolus T1 Relaxivity |
ContrastBolusAdministrationRouteSequence | Contrast/Bolus Administration Route Sequence | (0018,0014) Contrast/Bolus Administration Route Sequence |
BodyPartExamined | Body Part Examined | (0018,0015) Body Part Examined |
ScanningSequence | Scanning Sequence | (0018,0020) Scanning Sequence |
SequenceVariant | Sequence Variant | (0018,0021) Sequence Variant |
ScanOptions | Scan Options | (0018,0022) Scan Options |
MRAcquisitionType | MR Acquisition Type | (0018,0023) MR Acquisition Type |
SequenceName | Sequence Name | (0018,0024) Sequence Name |
AngioFlag | Angio Flag | (0018,0025) Angio Flag |
InterventionDrugInformationSequence | Intervention Drug Information Sequence | (0018,0026) Intervention Drug Information Sequence |
InterventionDrugStopTime | Intervention Drug Stop Time | (0018,0027) Intervention Drug Stop Time |
InterventionDrugDose | Intervention Drug Dose | (0018,0028) Intervention Drug Dose |
InterventionDrugCodeSequence | Intervention Drug Code Sequence | (0018,0029) Intervention Drug Code Sequence |
AdditionalDrugSequence | Additional Drug Sequence | (0018,002A) Additional Drug Sequence |
Radiopharmaceutical | Radiopharmaceutical | (0018,0031) Radiopharmaceutical |
InterventionDrugName | Intervention Drug Name | (0018,0034) Intervention Drug Name |
InterventionDrugStartTime | Intervention Drug Start Time | (0018,0035) Intervention Drug Start Time |
InterventionSequence | Intervention Sequence | (0018,0036) Intervention Sequence |
InterventionStatus | Intervention Status | (0018,0038) Intervention Status |
InterventionDescription | Intervention Description | (0018,003A) Intervention Description |
CineRate | Cine Rate | (0018,0040) Cine Rate |
InitialCineRunState | Initial Cine Run State | (0018,0042) Initial Cine Run State |
SliceThickness | Slice Thickness | (0018,0050) Slice Thickness |
KVP | KVP | (0018,0060) KVP |
CountsAccumulated | Counts Accumulated | (0018,0070) Counts Accumulated |
AcquisitionTerminationCondition | Acquisition Termination Condition | (0018,0071) Acquisition Termination Condition |
EffectiveDuration | Effective Duration | (0018,0072) Effective Duration |
AcquisitionStartCondition | Acquisition Start Condition | (0018,0073) Acquisition Start Condition |
AcquisitionStartConditionData | Acquisition Start Condition Data | (0018,0074) Acquisition Start Condition Data |
AcquisitionTerminationConditionData | Acquisition Termination Condition Data | (0018,0075) Acquisition Termination Condition Data |
RepetitionTime | Repetition Time | (0018,0080) Repetition Time |
EchoTime | Echo Time | (0018,0081) Echo Time |
InversionTime | Inversion Time | (0018,0082) Inversion Time |
NumberOfAverages | Number of Averages | (0018,0083) Number of Averages |
ImagingFrequency | Imaging Frequency | (0018,0084) Imaging Frequency |
ImagedNucleus | Imaged Nucleus | (0018,0085) Imaged Nucleus |
EchoNumbers | Echo Number(s) | (0018,0086) Echo Number(s) |
MagneticFieldStrength | Magnetic Field Strength | (0018,0087) Magnetic Field Strength |
SpacingBetweenSlices | Spacing Between Slices | (0018,0088) Spacing Between Slices |
NumberOfPhaseEncodingSteps | Number of Phase Encoding Steps | (0018,0089) Number of Phase Encoding Steps |
DataCollectionDiameter | Data Collection Diameter | (0018,0090) Data Collection Diameter |
EchoTrainLength | Echo Train Length | (0018,0091) Echo Train Length |
PercentSampling | Percent Sampling | (0018,0093) Percent Sampling |
PercentPhaseFieldOfView | Percent Phase Field of View | (0018,0094) Percent Phase Field of View |
PixelBandwidth | Pixel Bandwidth | (0018,0095) Pixel Bandwidth |
DeviceSerialNumber | Device Serial Number | (0018,1000) Device Serial Number |
DeviceUID | Device UID | (0018,1002) Device UID |
DeviceID | Device ID | (0018,1003) Device ID |
PlateID | Plate ID | (0018,1004) Plate ID |
GeneratorID | Generator ID | (0018,1005) Generator ID |
GridID | Grid ID | (0018,1006) Grid ID |
CassetteID | Cassette ID | (0018,1007) Cassette ID |
GantryID | Gantry ID | (0018,1008) Gantry ID |
UniqueDeviceIdentifier | Unique Device Identifier | (0018,1009) Unique Device Identifier |
UDISequence | UDI Sequence | (0018,100A) UDI Sequence |
ManufacturerDeviceClassUID | Manufacturer's Device Class UID | (0018,100B) Manufacturer's Device Class UID |
SecondaryCaptureDeviceID | Secondary Capture Device ID | (0018,1010) Secondary Capture Device ID |
DateOfSecondaryCapture | Date of Secondary Capture | (0018,1012) Date of Secondary Capture |
TimeOfSecondaryCapture | Time of Secondary Capture | (0018,1014) Time of Secondary Capture |
SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturer | Secondary Capture Device Manufacturer | (0018,1016) Secondary Capture Device Manufacturer |
SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturerModelName | Secondary Capture Device Manufacturer's Model Name | (0018,1018) Secondary Capture Device Manufacturer's Model Name |
SecondaryCaptureDeviceSoftwareVersions | Secondary Capture Device Software Versions | (0018,1019) Secondary Capture Device Software Versions |
SoftwareVersions | Software Versions | (0018,1020) Software Versions |
VideoImageFormatAcquired | Video Image Format Acquired | (0018,1022) Video Image Format Acquired |
DigitalImageFormatAcquired | Digital Image Format Acquired | (0018,1023) Digital Image Format Acquired |
ProtocolName | Protocol Name | (0018,1030) Protocol Name |
ContrastBolusRoute | Contrast/Bolus Route | (0018,1040) Contrast/Bolus Route |
ContrastBolusVolume | Contrast/Bolus Volume | (0018,1041) Contrast/Bolus Volume |
ContrastBolusStartTime | Contrast/Bolus Start Time | (0018,1042) Contrast/Bolus Start Time |
ContrastBolusStopTime | Contrast/Bolus Stop Time | (0018,1043) Contrast/Bolus Stop Time |
ContrastBolusTotalDose | Contrast/Bolus Total Dose | (0018,1044) Contrast/Bolus Total Dose |
SyringeCounts | Syringe Counts | (0018,1045) Syringe Counts |
ContrastFlowRate | Contrast Flow Rate | (0018,1046) Contrast Flow Rate |
ContrastFlowDuration | Contrast Flow Duration | (0018,1047) Contrast Flow Duration |
ContrastBolusIngredient | Contrast/Bolus Ingredient | (0018,1048) Contrast/Bolus Ingredient |
ContrastBolusIngredientConcentration | Contrast/Bolus Ingredient Concentration | (0018,1049) Contrast/Bolus Ingredient Concentration |
SpatialResolution | Spatial Resolution | (0018,1050) Spatial Resolution |
TriggerTime | Trigger Time | (0018,1060) Trigger Time |
TriggerSourceOrType | Trigger Source or Type | (0018,1061) Trigger Source or Type |
NominalInterval | Nominal Interval | (0018,1062) Nominal Interval |
FrameTime | Frame Time | (0018,1063) Frame Time |
CardiacFramingType | Cardiac Framing Type | (0018,1064) Cardiac Framing Type |
FrameTimeVector | Frame Time Vector | (0018,1065) Frame Time Vector |
FrameDelay | Frame Delay | (0018,1066) Frame Delay |
ImageTriggerDelay | Image Trigger Delay | (0018,1067) Image Trigger Delay |
MultiplexGroupTimeOffset | Multiplex Group Time Offset | (0018,1068) Multiplex Group Time Offset |
TriggerTimeOffset | Trigger Time Offset | (0018,1069) Trigger Time Offset |
SynchronizationTrigger | Synchronization Trigger | (0018,106A) Synchronization Trigger |
SynchronizationChannel | Synchronization Channel | (0018,106C) Synchronization Channel |
TriggerSamplePosition | Trigger Sample Position | (0018,106E) Trigger Sample Position |
RadiopharmaceuticalRoute | Radiopharmaceutical Route | (0018,1070) Radiopharmaceutical Route |
RadiopharmaceuticalVolume | Radiopharmaceutical Volume | (0018,1071) Radiopharmaceutical Volume |
RadiopharmaceuticalStartTime | Radiopharmaceutical Start Time | (0018,1072) Radiopharmaceutical Start Time |
RadiopharmaceuticalStopTime | Radiopharmaceutical Stop Time | (0018,1073) Radiopharmaceutical Stop Time |
RadionuclideTotalDose | Radionuclide Total Dose | (0018,1074) Radionuclide Total Dose |
RadionuclideHalfLife | Radionuclide Half Life | (0018,1075) Radionuclide Half Life |
RadionuclidePositronFraction | Radionuclide Positron Fraction | (0018,1076) Radionuclide Positron Fraction |
RadiopharmaceuticalSpecificActivity | Radiopharmaceutical Specific Activity | (0018,1077) Radiopharmaceutical Specific Activity |
RadiopharmaceuticalStartDateTime | Radiopharmaceutical Start DateTime | (0018,1078) Radiopharmaceutical Start DateTime |
RadiopharmaceuticalStopDateTime | Radiopharmaceutical Stop DateTime | (0018,1079) Radiopharmaceutical Stop DateTime |
BeatRejectionFlag | Beat Rejection Flag | (0018,1080) Beat Rejection Flag |
LowRRValue | Low R-R Value | (0018,1081) Low R-R Value |
HighRRValue | High R-R Value | (0018,1082) High R-R Value |
IntervalsAcquired | Intervals Acquired | (0018,1083) Intervals Acquired |
IntervalsRejected | Intervals Rejected | (0018,1084) Intervals Rejected |
PVCRejection | PVC Rejection | (0018,1085) PVC Rejection |
SkipBeats | Skip Beats | (0018,1086) Skip Beats |
HeartRate | Heart Rate | (0018,1088) Heart Rate |
CardiacNumberOfImages | Cardiac Number of Images | (0018,1090) Cardiac Number of Images |
TriggerWindow | Trigger Window | (0018,1094) Trigger Window |
ReconstructionDiameter | Reconstruction Diameter | (0018,1100) Reconstruction Diameter |
DistanceSourceToDetector | Distance Source to Detector | (0018,1110) Distance Source to Detector |
DistanceSourceToPatient | Distance Source to Patient | (0018,1111) Distance Source to Patient |
EstimatedRadiographicMagnificationFactor | Estimated Radiographic Magnification Factor | (0018,1114) Estimated Radiographic Magnification Factor |
GantryDetectorTilt | Gantry/Detector Tilt | (0018,1120) Gantry/Detector Tilt |
GantryDetectorSlew | Gantry/Detector Slew | (0018,1121) Gantry/Detector Slew |
TableHeight | Table Height | (0018,1130) Table Height |
TableTraverse | Table Traverse | (0018,1131) Table Traverse |
TableMotion | Table Motion | (0018,1134) Table Motion |
TableVerticalIncrement | Table Vertical Increment | (0018,1135) Table Vertical Increment |
TableLateralIncrement | Table Lateral Increment | (0018,1136) Table Lateral Increment |
TableLongitudinalIncrement | Table Longitudinal Increment | (0018,1137) Table Longitudinal Increment |
TableAngle | Table Angle | (0018,1138) Table Angle |
TableType | Table Type | (0018,113A) Table Type |
RotationDirection | Rotation Direction | (0018,1140) Rotation Direction |
RadialPosition | Radial Position | (0018,1142) Radial Position |
ScanArc | Scan Arc | (0018,1143) Scan Arc |
AngularStep | Angular Step | (0018,1144) Angular Step |
CenterOfRotationOffset | Center of Rotation Offset | (0018,1145) Center of Rotation Offset |
FieldOfViewShape | Field of View Shape | (0018,1147) Field of View Shape |
FieldOfViewDimensions | Field of View Dimension(s) | (0018,1149) Field of View Dimension(s) |
ExposureTime | Exposure Time | (0018,1150) Exposure Time |
XRayTubeCurrent | X-Ray Tube Current | (0018,1151) X-Ray Tube Current |
Exposure | Exposure | (0018,1152) Exposure |
ExposureInuAs | Exposure in µAs | (0018,1153) Exposure in µAs |
AveragePulseWidth | Average Pulse Width | (0018,1154) Average Pulse Width |
RadiationSetting | Radiation Setting | (0018,1155) Radiation Setting |
RectificationType | Rectification Type | (0018,1156) Rectification Type |
RadiationMode | Radiation Mode | (0018,115A) Radiation Mode |
ImageAndFluoroscopyAreaDoseProduct | Image and Fluoroscopy Area Dose Product | (0018,115E) Image and Fluoroscopy Area Dose Product |
FilterType | Filter Type | (0018,1160) Filter Type |
TypeOfFilters | Type of Filters | (0018,1161) Type of Filters |
IntensifierSize | Intensifier Size | (0018,1162) Intensifier Size |
ImagerPixelSpacing | Imager Pixel Spacing | (0018,1164) Imager Pixel Spacing |
Grid | Grid | (0018,1166) Grid |
GeneratorPower | Generator Power | (0018,1170) Generator Power |
CollimatorGridName | Collimator/grid Name | (0018,1180) Collimator/grid Name |
CollimatorType | Collimator Type | (0018,1181) Collimator Type |
FocalDistance | Focal Distance | (0018,1182) Focal Distance |
XFocusCenter | X Focus Center | (0018,1183) X Focus Center |
YFocusCenter | Y Focus Center | (0018,1184) Y Focus Center |
FocalSpots | Focal Spot(s) | (0018,1190) Focal Spot(s) |
AnodeTargetMaterial | Anode Target Material | (0018,1191) Anode Target Material |
BodyPartThickness | Body Part Thickness | (0018,11A0) Body Part Thickness |
CompressionForce | Compression Force | (0018,11A2) Compression Force |
CompressionPressure | Compression Pressure | (0018,11A3) Compression Pressure |
PaddleDescription | Paddle Description | (0018,11A4) Paddle Description |
CompressionContactArea | Compression Contact Area | (0018,11A5) Compression Contact Area |
AcquisitionMode | Acquisition Mode | (0018,11B0) Acquisition Mode |
DoseModeName | Dose Mode Name | (0018,11B1) Dose Mode Name |
AcquiredSubtractionMaskFlag | Acquired Subtraction Mask Flag | (0018,11B2) Acquired Subtraction Mask Flag |
FluoroscopyPersistenceFlag | Fluoroscopy Persistence Flag | (0018,11B3) Fluoroscopy Persistence Flag |
FluoroscopyLastImageHoldPersistenceFlag | Fluoroscopy Last Image Hold Persistence Flag | (0018,11B4) Fluoroscopy Last Image Hold Persistence Flag |
UpperLimitNumberOfPersistentFluoroscopyFrames | Upper Limit Number Of Persistent Fluoroscopy Frames | (0018,11B5) Upper Limit Number Of Persistent Fluoroscopy Frames |
ContrastBolusAutoInjectionTriggerFlag | Contrast/Bolus Auto Injection Trigger Flag | (0018,11B6) Contrast/Bolus Auto Injection Trigger Flag |
ContrastBolusInjectionDelay | Contrast/Bolus Injection Delay | (0018,11B7) Contrast/Bolus Injection Delay |
XAAcquisitionPhaseDetailsSequence | XA Acquisition Phase Details Sequence | (0018,11B8) XA Acquisition Phase Details Sequence |
XAAcquisitionFrameRate | XA Acquisition Frame Rate | (0018,11B9) XA Acquisition Frame Rate |
XAPlaneDetailsSequence | XA Plane Details Sequence | (0018,11BA) XA Plane Details Sequence |
AcquisitionFieldOfViewLabel | Acquisition Field of View Label | (0018,11BB) Acquisition Field of View Label |
XRayFilterDetailsSequence | X-Ray Filter Details Sequence | (0018,11BC) X-Ray Filter Details Sequence |
XAAcquisitionDuration | XA Acquisition Duration | (0018,11BD) XA Acquisition Duration |
ReconstructionPipelineType | Reconstruction Pipeline Type | (0018,11BE) Reconstruction Pipeline Type |
ImageFilterDetailsSequence | Image Filter Details Sequence | (0018,11BF) Image Filter Details Sequence |
AppliedMaskSubtractionFlag | Applied Mask Subtraction Flag | (0018,11C0) Applied Mask Subtraction Flag |
RequestedSeriesDescriptionCodeSequence | Requested Series Description Code Sequence | (0018,11C1) Requested Series Description Code Sequence |
DateOfLastCalibration | Date of Last Calibration | (0018,1200) Date of Last Calibration |
TimeOfLastCalibration | Time of Last Calibration | (0018,1201) Time of Last Calibration |
DateTimeOfLastCalibration | DateTime of Last Calibration | (0018,1202) DateTime of Last Calibration |
CalibrationDateTime | Calibration DateTime | (0018,1203) Calibration DateTime |
DateOfManufacture | Date of Manufacture | (0018,1204) Date of Manufacture |
DateOfInstallation | Date of Installation | (0018,1205) Date of Installation |
ConvolutionKernel | Convolution Kernel | (0018,1210) Convolution Kernel |
ActualFrameDuration | Actual Frame Duration | (0018,1242) Actual Frame Duration |
CountRate | Count Rate | (0018,1243) Count Rate |
PreferredPlaybackSequencing | Preferred Playback Sequencing | (0018,1244) Preferred Playback Sequencing |
ReceiveCoilName | Receive Coil Name | (0018,1250) Receive Coil Name |
TransmitCoilName | Transmit Coil Name | (0018,1251) Transmit Coil Name |
PlateType | Plate Type | (0018,1260) Plate Type |
PhosphorType | Phosphor Type | (0018,1261) Phosphor Type |
WaterEquivalentDiameter | Water Equivalent Diameter | (0018,1271) Water Equivalent Diameter |
WaterEquivalentDiameterCalculationMethodCodeSequence | Water Equivalent Diameter Calculation Method Code Sequence | (0018,1272) Water Equivalent Diameter Calculation Method Code Sequence |
ScanVelocity | Scan Velocity | (0018,1300) Scan Velocity |
WholeBodyTechnique | Whole Body Technique | (0018,1301) Whole Body Technique |
ScanLength | Scan Length | (0018,1302) Scan Length |
AcquisitionMatrix | Acquisition Matrix | (0018,1310) Acquisition Matrix |
InPlanePhaseEncodingDirection | In-plane Phase Encoding Direction | (0018,1312) In-plane Phase Encoding Direction |
FlipAngle | Flip Angle | (0018,1314) Flip Angle |
VariableFlipAngleFlag | Variable Flip Angle Flag | (0018,1315) Variable Flip Angle Flag |
SAR | SAR | (0018,1316) SAR |
dBdt | dB/dt | (0018,1318) dB/dt |
B1rms | B1rms | (0018,1320) B1rms |
AcquisitionDeviceProcessingDescription | Acquisition Device Processing Description | (0018,1400) Acquisition Device Processing Description |
AcquisitionDeviceProcessingCode | Acquisition Device Processing Code | (0018,1401) Acquisition Device Processing Code |
CassetteOrientation | Cassette Orientation | (0018,1402) Cassette Orientation |
CassetteSize | Cassette Size | (0018,1403) Cassette Size |
ExposuresOnPlate | Exposures on Plate | (0018,1404) Exposures on Plate |
RelativeXRayExposure | Relative X-Ray Exposure | (0018,1405) Relative X-Ray Exposure |
ExposureIndex | Exposure Index | (0018,1411) Exposure Index |
TargetExposureIndex | Target Exposure Index | (0018,1412) Target Exposure Index |
DeviationIndex | Deviation Index | (0018,1413) Deviation Index |
ColumnAngulation | Column Angulation | (0018,1450) Column Angulation |
TomoLayerHeight | Tomo Layer Height | (0018,1460) Tomo Layer Height |
TomoAngle | Tomo Angle | (0018,1470) Tomo Angle |
TomoTime | Tomo Time | (0018,1480) Tomo Time |
TomoType | Tomo Type | (0018,1490) Tomo Type |
TomoClass | Tomo Class | (0018,1491) Tomo Class |
NumberOfTomosynthesisSourceImages | Number of Tomosynthesis Source Images | (0018,1495) Number of Tomosynthesis Source Images |
PositionerMotion | Positioner Motion | (0018,1500) Positioner Motion |
PositionerType | Positioner Type | (0018,1508) Positioner Type |
PositionerPrimaryAngle | Positioner Primary Angle | (0018,1510) Positioner Primary Angle |
PositionerSecondaryAngle | Positioner Secondary Angle | (0018,1511) Positioner Secondary Angle |
PositionerPrimaryAngleIncrement | Positioner Primary Angle Increment | (0018,1520) Positioner Primary Angle Increment |
PositionerSecondaryAngleIncrement | Positioner Secondary Angle Increment | (0018,1521) Positioner Secondary Angle Increment |
DetectorPrimaryAngle | Detector Primary Angle | (0018,1530) Detector Primary Angle |
DetectorSecondaryAngle | Detector Secondary Angle | (0018,1531) Detector Secondary Angle |
ShutterShape | Shutter Shape | (0018,1600) Shutter Shape |
ShutterLeftVerticalEdge | Shutter Left Vertical Edge | (0018,1602) Shutter Left Vertical Edge |
ShutterRightVerticalEdge | Shutter Right Vertical Edge | (0018,1604) Shutter Right Vertical Edge |
ShutterUpperHorizontalEdge | Shutter Upper Horizontal Edge | (0018,1606) Shutter Upper Horizontal Edge |
ShutterLowerHorizontalEdge | Shutter Lower Horizontal Edge | (0018,1608) Shutter Lower Horizontal Edge |
CenterOfCircularShutter | Center of Circular Shutter | (0018,1610) Center of Circular Shutter |
RadiusOfCircularShutter | Radius of Circular Shutter | (0018,1612) Radius of Circular Shutter |
VerticesOfThePolygonalShutter | Vertices of the Polygonal Shutter | (0018,1620) Vertices of the Polygonal Shutter |
ShutterPresentationValue | Shutter Presentation Value | (0018,1622) Shutter Presentation Value |
ShutterOverlayGroup | Shutter Overlay Group | (0018,1623) Shutter Overlay Group |
ShutterPresentationColorCIELabValue | Shutter Presentation Color CIELab Value | (0018,1624) Shutter Presentation Color CIELab Value |
OutlineShapeType | Outline Shape Type | (0018,1630) Outline Shape Type |
OutlineLeftVerticalEdge | Outline Left Vertical Edge | (0018,1631) Outline Left Vertical Edge |
OutlineRightVerticalEdge | Outline Right Vertical Edge | (0018,1632) Outline Right Vertical Edge |
OutlineUpperHorizontalEdge | Outline Upper Horizontal Edge | (0018,1633) Outline Upper Horizontal Edge |
OutlineLowerHorizontalEdge | Outline Lower Horizontal Edge | (0018,1634) Outline Lower Horizontal Edge |
CenterOfCircularOutline | Center of Circular Outline | (0018,1635) Center of Circular Outline |
DiameterOfCircularOutline | Diameter of Circular Outline | (0018,1636) Diameter of Circular Outline |
NumberOfPolygonalVertices | Number of Polygonal Vertices | (0018,1637) Number of Polygonal Vertices |
VerticesOfThePolygonalOutline | Vertices of the Polygonal Outline | (0018,1638) Vertices of the Polygonal Outline |
CollimatorShape | Collimator Shape | (0018,1700) Collimator Shape |
CollimatorLeftVerticalEdge | Collimator Left Vertical Edge | (0018,1702) Collimator Left Vertical Edge |
CollimatorRightVerticalEdge | Collimator Right Vertical Edge | (0018,1704) Collimator Right Vertical Edge |
CollimatorUpperHorizontalEdge | Collimator Upper Horizontal Edge | (0018,1706) Collimator Upper Horizontal Edge |
CollimatorLowerHorizontalEdge | Collimator Lower Horizontal Edge | (0018,1708) Collimator Lower Horizontal Edge |
CenterOfCircularCollimator | Center of Circular Collimator | (0018,1710) Center of Circular Collimator |
RadiusOfCircularCollimator | Radius of Circular Collimator | (0018,1712) Radius of Circular Collimator |
VerticesOfThePolygonalCollimator | Vertices of the Polygonal Collimator | (0018,1720) Vertices of the Polygonal Collimator |
AcquisitionTimeSynchronized | Acquisition Time Synchronized | (0018,1800) Acquisition Time Synchronized |
TimeSource | Time Source | (0018,1801) Time Source |
TimeDistributionProtocol | Time Distribution Protocol | (0018,1802) Time Distribution Protocol |
NTPSourceAddress | NTP Source Address | (0018,1803) NTP Source Address |
PageNumberVector | Page Number Vector | (0018,2001) Page Number Vector |
FrameLabelVector | Frame Label Vector | (0018,2002) Frame Label Vector |
FramePrimaryAngleVector | Frame Primary Angle Vector | (0018,2003) Frame Primary Angle Vector |
FrameSecondaryAngleVector | Frame Secondary Angle Vector | (0018,2004) Frame Secondary Angle Vector |
SliceLocationVector | Slice Location Vector | (0018,2005) Slice Location Vector |
DisplayWindowLabelVector | Display Window Label Vector | (0018,2006) Display Window Label Vector |
NominalScannedPixelSpacing | Nominal Scanned Pixel Spacing | (0018,2010) Nominal Scanned Pixel Spacing |
DigitizingDeviceTransportDirection | Digitizing Device Transport Direction | (0018,2020) Digitizing Device Transport Direction |
RotationOfScannedFilm | Rotation of Scanned Film | (0018,2030) Rotation of Scanned Film |
BiopsyTargetSequence | Biopsy Target Sequence | (0018,2041) Biopsy Target Sequence |
TargetUID | Target UID | (0018,2042) Target UID |
LocalizingCursorPosition | Localizing Cursor Position | (0018,2043) Localizing Cursor Position |
CalculatedTargetPosition | Calculated Target Position | (0018,2044) Calculated Target Position |
TargetLabel | Target Label | (0018,2045) Target Label |
DisplayedZValue | Displayed Z Value | (0018,2046) Displayed Z Value |
IVUSAcquisition | IVUS Acquisition | (0018,3100) IVUS Acquisition |
IVUSPullbackRate | IVUS Pullback Rate | (0018,3101) IVUS Pullback Rate |
IVUSGatedRate | IVUS Gated Rate | (0018,3102) IVUS Gated Rate |
IVUSPullbackStartFrameNumber | IVUS Pullback Start Frame Number | (0018,3103) IVUS Pullback Start Frame Number |
IVUSPullbackStopFrameNumber | IVUS Pullback Stop Frame Number | (0018,3104) IVUS Pullback Stop Frame Number |
LesionNumber | Lesion Number | (0018,3105) Lesion Number |
OutputPower | Output Power | (0018,5000) Output Power |
TransducerData | Transducer Data | (0018,5010) Transducer Data |
TransducerIdentificationSequence | Transducer Identification Sequence | (0018,5011) Transducer Identification Sequence |
FocusDepth | Focus Depth | (0018,5012) Focus Depth |
ProcessingFunction | Processing Function | (0018,5020) Processing Function |
MechanicalIndex | Mechanical Index | (0018,5022) Mechanical Index |
BoneThermalIndex | Bone Thermal Index | (0018,5024) Bone Thermal Index |
CranialThermalIndex | Cranial Thermal Index | (0018,5026) Cranial Thermal Index |
SoftTissueThermalIndex | Soft Tissue Thermal Index | (0018,5027) Soft Tissue Thermal Index |
SoftTissueFocusThermalIndex | Soft Tissue-focus Thermal Index | (0018,5028) Soft Tissue-focus Thermal Index |
SoftTissueSurfaceThermalIndex | Soft Tissue-surface Thermal Index | (0018,5029) Soft Tissue-surface Thermal Index |
DepthOfScanField | Depth of Scan Field | (0018,5050) Depth of Scan Field |
PatientPosition | Patient Position | (0018,5100) Patient Position |
ViewPosition | View Position | (0018,5101) View Position |
ProjectionEponymousNameCodeSequence | Projection Eponymous Name Code Sequence | (0018,5104) Projection Eponymous Name Code Sequence |
Sensitivity | Sensitivity | (0018,6000) Sensitivity |
SequenceOfUltrasoundRegions | Sequence of Ultrasound Regions | (0018,6011) Sequence of Ultrasound Regions |
RegionSpatialFormat | Region Spatial Format | (0018,6012) Region Spatial Format |
RegionDataType | Region Data Type | (0018,6014) Region Data Type |
RegionFlags | Region Flags | (0018,6016) Region Flags |
RegionLocationMinX0 | Region Location Min X0 | (0018,6018) Region Location Min X0 |
RegionLocationMinY0 | Region Location Min Y0 | (0018,601A) Region Location Min Y0 |
RegionLocationMaxX1 | Region Location Max X1 | (0018,601C) Region Location Max X1 |
RegionLocationMaxY1 | Region Location Max Y1 | (0018,601E) Region Location Max Y1 |
ReferencePixelX0 | Reference Pixel X0 | (0018,6020) Reference Pixel X0 |
ReferencePixelY0 | Reference Pixel Y0 | (0018,6022) Reference Pixel Y0 |
PhysicalUnitsXDirection | Physical Units X Direction | (0018,6024) Physical Units X Direction |
PhysicalUnitsYDirection | Physical Units Y Direction | (0018,6026) Physical Units Y Direction |
ReferencePixelPhysicalValueX | Reference Pixel Physical Value X | (0018,6028) Reference Pixel Physical Value X |
ReferencePixelPhysicalValueY | Reference Pixel Physical Value Y | (0018,602A) Reference Pixel Physical Value Y |
PhysicalDeltaX | Physical Delta X | (0018,602C) Physical Delta X |
PhysicalDeltaY | Physical Delta Y | (0018,602E) Physical Delta Y |
TransducerFrequency | Transducer Frequency | (0018,6030) Transducer Frequency |
TransducerType | Transducer Type | (0018,6031) Transducer Type |
PulseRepetitionFrequency | Pulse Repetition Frequency | (0018,6032) Pulse Repetition Frequency |
DopplerCorrectionAngle | Doppler Correction Angle | (0018,6034) Doppler Correction Angle |
SteeringAngle | Steering Angle | (0018,6036) Steering Angle |
DopplerSampleVolumeXPosition | Doppler Sample Volume X Position | (0018,6039) Doppler Sample Volume X Position |
DopplerSampleVolumeYPosition | Doppler Sample Volume Y Position | (0018,603B) Doppler Sample Volume Y Position |
TMLinePositionX0 | TM-Line Position X0 | (0018,603D) TM-Line Position X0 |
TMLinePositionY0 | TM-Line Position Y0 | (0018,603F) TM-Line Position Y0 |
TMLinePositionX1 | TM-Line Position X1 | (0018,6041) TM-Line Position X1 |
TMLinePositionY1 | TM-Line Position Y1 | (0018,6043) TM-Line Position Y1 |
PixelComponentOrganization | Pixel Component Organization | (0018,6044) Pixel Component Organization |
PixelComponentMask | Pixel Component Mask | (0018,6046) Pixel Component Mask |
PixelComponentRangeStart | Pixel Component Range Start | (0018,6048) Pixel Component Range Start |
PixelComponentRangeStop | Pixel Component Range Stop | (0018,604A) Pixel Component Range Stop |
PixelComponentPhysicalUnits | Pixel Component Physical Units | (0018,604C) Pixel Component Physical Units |
PixelComponentDataType | Pixel Component Data Type | (0018,604E) Pixel Component Data Type |
NumberOfTableBreakPoints | Number of Table Break Points | (0018,6050) Number of Table Break Points |
TableOfXBreakPoints | Table of X Break Points | (0018,6052) Table of X Break Points |
TableOfYBreakPoints | Table of Y Break Points | (0018,6054) Table of Y Break Points |
NumberOfTableEntries | Number of Table Entries | (0018,6056) Number of Table Entries |
TableOfPixelValues | Table of Pixel Values | (0018,6058) Table of Pixel Values |
TableOfParameterValues | Table of Parameter Values | (0018,605A) Table of Parameter Values |
RWaveTimeVector | R Wave Time Vector | (0018,6060) R Wave Time Vector |
ActiveImageAreaOverlayGroup | Active Image Area Overlay Group | (0018,6070) Active Image Area Overlay Group |
DetectorConditionsNominalFlag | Detector Conditions Nominal Flag | (0018,7000) Detector Conditions Nominal Flag |
DetectorTemperature | Detector Temperature | (0018,7001) Detector Temperature |
DetectorType | Detector Type | (0018,7004) Detector Type |
DetectorConfiguration | Detector Configuration | (0018,7005) Detector Configuration |
DetectorDescription | Detector Description | (0018,7006) Detector Description |
DetectorMode | Detector Mode | (0018,7008) Detector Mode |
DetectorID | Detector ID | (0018,700A) Detector ID |
DateOfLastDetectorCalibration | Date of Last Detector Calibration | (0018,700C) Date of Last Detector Calibration |
TimeOfLastDetectorCalibration | Time of Last Detector Calibration | (0018,700E) Time of Last Detector Calibration |
ExposuresOnDetectorSinceLastCalibration | Exposures on Detector Since Last Calibration | (0018,7010) Exposures on Detector Since Last Calibration |
ExposuresOnDetectorSinceManufactured | Exposures on Detector Since Manufactured | (0018,7011) Exposures on Detector Since Manufactured |
DetectorTimeSinceLastExposure | Detector Time Since Last Exposure | (0018,7012) Detector Time Since Last Exposure |
DetectorActiveTime | Detector Active Time | (0018,7014) Detector Active Time |
DetectorActivationOffsetFromExposure | Detector Activation Offset From Exposure | (0018,7016) Detector Activation Offset From Exposure |
DetectorBinning | Detector Binning | (0018,701A) Detector Binning |
DetectorElementPhysicalSize | Detector Element Physical Size | (0018,7020) Detector Element Physical Size |
DetectorElementSpacing | Detector Element Spacing | (0018,7022) Detector Element Spacing |
DetectorActiveShape | Detector Active Shape | (0018,7024) Detector Active Shape |
DetectorActiveDimensions | Detector Active Dimension(s) | (0018,7026) Detector Active Dimension(s) |
DetectorActiveOrigin | Detector Active Origin | (0018,7028) Detector Active Origin |
DetectorManufacturerName | Detector Manufacturer Name | (0018,702A) Detector Manufacturer Name |
DetectorManufacturerModelName | Detector Manufacturer's Model Name | (0018,702B) Detector Manufacturer's Model Name |
FieldOfViewOrigin | Field of View Origin | (0018,7030) Field of View Origin |
FieldOfViewRotation | Field of View Rotation | (0018,7032) Field of View Rotation |
FieldOfViewHorizontalFlip | Field of View Horizontal Flip | (0018,7034) Field of View Horizontal Flip |
PixelDataAreaOriginRelativeToFOV | Pixel Data Area Origin Relative To FOV | (0018,7036) Pixel Data Area Origin Relative To FOV |
PixelDataAreaRotationAngleRelativeToFOV | Pixel Data Area Rotation Angle Relative To FOV | (0018,7038) Pixel Data Area Rotation Angle Relative To FOV |
GridAbsorbingMaterial | Grid Absorbing Material | (0018,7040) Grid Absorbing Material |
GridSpacingMaterial | Grid Spacing Material | (0018,7041) Grid Spacing Material |
GridThickness | Grid Thickness | (0018,7042) Grid Thickness |
GridPitch | Grid Pitch | (0018,7044) Grid Pitch |
GridAspectRatio | Grid Aspect Ratio | (0018,7046) Grid Aspect Ratio |
GridPeriod | Grid Period | (0018,7048) Grid Period |
GridFocalDistance | Grid Focal Distance | (0018,704C) Grid Focal Distance |
FilterMaterial | Filter Material | (0018,7050) Filter Material |
FilterThicknessMinimum | Filter Thickness Minimum | (0018,7052) Filter Thickness Minimum |
FilterThicknessMaximum | Filter Thickness Maximum | (0018,7054) Filter Thickness Maximum |
FilterBeamPathLengthMinimum | Filter Beam Path Length Minimum | (0018,7056) Filter Beam Path Length Minimum |
FilterBeamPathLengthMaximum | Filter Beam Path Length Maximum | (0018,7058) Filter Beam Path Length Maximum |
ExposureControlMode | Exposure Control Mode | (0018,7060) Exposure Control Mode |
ExposureControlModeDescription | Exposure Contr MR FOV/Geometry Se& |